3D image arrangement

Dear all,

I am trying to prepare an image like the one attached to this post.

I have as an input a number of 2D waves (E,k_y) that are taken at different k_x.
Now I have stacked them together into a 3D wave with (E,k_y,k_x).

I would love to compile that into a 3d plot showing E,k_y,k_x on the properly scaled axis. (And leaving out some of the data, so an "inside-view" like in the image is possible.)

My approach using Gizmo produced only (-1,1) scaled axes and I could simply not figure out how to get any further...

Can you help?

Thank you for your time!

Best regards

3d plot
Hello Patrick,

You have not really given us enough information about "your approach". I will therefore try to guess at what I might do if I got your data:

1. Create a 3D wave from the stack of images you have. You may do so manually or using ImageTransform with the keyword stackImages.
1.1 You may want to make sure that your wave scaling correctly represents all three axes.
2. Create a new Gizmo plot.
3. Add an object of type surface.
4. In the surface dialog properties choose under Source Type: Volume z-plane.
5. Choose the source wave corresponding to your stack from (1).
6. Click OK to close the dialog.
7. Drag the Surface Object from the object list to the display list. Rotate the Gizmo plot to see the result.
8. Repeat with different Volume x-plane, Volume y-plane etc.

I hope this helps,

Igor wrote:

You have not really given us enough information about "your approach". I will therefore try to guess at what I might do if I got your data:

I hope this helps,


Yes it helps a lot! Thank you so much! And sorry for being not more specific, I am not so good at this yet...

I have gotten to the point that I can display scaled cuts i.e. planes through the stack - very nice :)

Is there also a way to only show a part of the plane? I mean: when i make a Volume z-plane it shows the whole cut for example in my case [0,650]. Can I tell it to show only [110,320] of the cut?

Small remark, I think this might be a bug: whenever I edit the Object in Gizmo the plane number is capped at 99, but i frequently need plane 115 or so...

r1ckdu wrote:

Is there also a way to only show a part of the plane? I mean: when i make a Volume z-plane it shows the whole cut for example in my case [0,650]. Can I tell it to show only [110,320] of the cut?

There are a number of options:
1. use clipping.
2. extract the relevant data and dress it onto a parametric wave.
3. set the data outside the desired range to NaN.
r1ckdu wrote:

Small remark, I think this might be a bug: whenever I edit the Object in Gizmo the plane number is capped at 99, but i frequently need plane 115 or so...

You are not telling us which version of Igor you are using but this sounds like a bug that was fixed months ago.