Waves Average Panel - cannot name an output average wave with a decimal point


I’m using IgorPro 7.04 (32bit) on a macOS system.
I’ve noticed that in the Average Waves package I cannot use a decimal point for the output average wave name, for example: charge0.4_avg (bad).
However, this name is OK: charge0_4_avg

I get an error message stating:
expected wave name.
Error in Execute: AppendToGraph charge0.4_avg

Is there a simple fix that I can write in the package?
According to the Debug button the error is located in line before 836, maybe in 833?


Have a look at the naming convention in Igor.
displayhelptopic "Wave Names"
There might be a couple of possiblyquotename() 'missing'.

PS: Please use the 'General' forum for this kind of question.
Indeed this posting should be in the General Forum.

To answer your question, yes, the solution is to change line 833 to:

String AppCom = "AppendToGraph"+AFlags+" "+PossiblyQuoteName(AveWaveName)+XWaveInfo

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
Dear HJDrescher and Jim,

Sorry for the mix up with the forums.
I'll repost this in the General forum.
