#pragma TextEncoding = "UTF-8" #pragma rtGlobals = 3 #pragma IgorVersion = 8.00 #pragma moduleName = MPFDataFit #pragma DefaultTab = {3,20,4} //________________________________________________________________________________________________ // MFP Data Fit Function // Written by Stephan Thuemer - https://www.wavemetrics.com/user/chozo // version 2022-04 // // Provides the framework to fit experimental data with Multipeak Fit. After loading MPF, first // 'Prepare Data Peak Function' needs to be run to set the folder and wave names for the data. // The DataPeak fit function is available from within MPF. Here, the last two parameters control // the folder and wave number and need to be on Hold at all times. Dial in the desired value // to select the data to fit. //________________________________________________________________________________________________ static StrConstant kMPF_WorkingDir = "root:Packages:MultiPeakFit2:" Menu "Analysis" Submenu MPFDataFit#CreateDataFitMenu() // add menu entry after loading MPF "Prepare Data Peak Function", /Q, MPF_PrepareDataFit() End End static Function/S CreateDataFitMenu() return SelectString(DataFolderExists(kMPF_WorkingDir),"-","Multipeak Fit") End // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Function MPF_PrepareDataFit() // setup for data locations String setBaseFolder = "", setBaseName = "" SVAR/Z baseFolder = $(kMPF_WorkingDir+"MPF_DataFit_baseFolder") // load previous settings SVAR/Z baseName = $(kMPF_WorkingDir+"MPF_DataFit_baseName") if (SVAR_Exists(baseFolder)) setBaseFolder = baseFolder endif if (SVAR_Exists(baseName)) setBaseName = baseName endif Prompt setBaseFolder,"Set base folder name without trailing number (e.g., \"root:myFit_\"):" Prompt setBaseName,"Set base data name without trailing number (e.g., \"peak_\"):" DoPrompt "Setup MPF data fit", setBaseFolder, setBaseName if (V_Flag) return -1 endif if (!strlen(setBaseFolder) || !strlen(setBaseName)) Abort "You need to enter both a folder path and base data name." endif int i, j, sourceFound = 0 if (!DataFolderExists(kMPF_WorkingDir)) // if MPF was not started yet => create basic folder structure DFREF saveDF = GetDataFolderDFR() SetDataFolder root: for (i = 1; i < ItemsInList(kMPF_WorkingDir,":"); i++) NewDataFolder/O/S $StringFromList(i,kMPF_WorkingDir,":") endfor Variable/G currentSetNumber = 0 SetDataFolder saveDF endif setBaseFolder = RemoveEnding(setBaseFolder , ":") // make sure no colon was entered String/G $(kMPF_WorkingDir+"MPF_DataFit_baseFolder") = setBaseFolder String/G $(kMPF_WorkingDir+"MPF_DataFit_baseName") = setBaseName for (i = 0; i < 10 && !sourceFound; i++) // try to look for the data in the first 10 folder / waves for (j = 0; j < 10 && !sourceFound; j++) Wave/Z source = $(setBaseFolder+num2str(i)+":"+setBaseName+num2str(j)) sourceFound = WaveExists(source) endfor endfor if (!sourceFound) // still nothing found? => have a simple check to remind the user DoAlert/T="Checking folder and data" 0, "Your first folder and/or data does not seem to exist yet. Make sure to prepare the data in the format: "+setBaseFolder+"[NUM]:"+setBaseName+"[NUM]" endif return 0 End //################################################################################################ static Function/Wave getSource(Wave cw) // get source data from saved base names SVAR/Z baseFolder = $(kMPF_WorkingDir+"MPF_DataFit_baseFolder") SVAR/Z baseName = $(kMPF_WorkingDir+"MPF_DataFit_baseName") if (SVAR_Exists(baseFolder) && SVAR_Exists(baseName)) Wave/Z source = $(baseFolder+num2str(cw[3])+":"+baseName+num2str(cw[4])) if (WaveExists(source) && WaveType(source,1) == 1 && WaveDims(source) == 1) return source endif endif return $"" End //################################################################################################ static Function MPF_setHoldStateForPeak(Wave cw, String holdStr) // injects hold state for the current peak DFREF DFpath = GetWavesDataFolderDFR(cw) int peakNum sscanf NameOfWave(cw), "Peak %d Coefs", peakNum if (!DataFolderRefStatus(DFpath) || numType(peakNum) != 0 || peakNum < 0) return -1 endif SVAR gName = DFPath:GraphName String pName = gName+"#MultiPeak2Panel" // the MPF panel if (WinType(pName) == 7) Wave/T HoldStrings = DFPath:HoldStrings Execute/Z "WMMultiPeakFit#MPF2_RefreshHoldStrings(\""+pName+"\")" // first, grab the latest hold settings from the panel HoldStrings[peakNum+1] = holdStr // inject hold string Execute/Z "WMMultiPeakFit#SetHoldCheckboxesFromWave(WMMultiPeakFit#GetSetNumberFromWinName(\""+pName+"\"))" // rewrite to panel endif return 0 End //################################ MPF peak format functions ##################################### Function/S DataPeak_PeakFuncInfo(Variable which) // pass names to MPF Switch (which) case 0: return "LocShift;Broaden;Height;Folder;DataNo;" case 1: return "MPF_DataPeakFunc" case 2: return "MPF_GaussToDataPeakGuess" case 3: return "MPF_DataPeakParams" case 4: return "Location;Height;Area;FWHM;" EndSwitch End //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Function MPF_GaussToDataPeakGuess(Wave cw) // initializes parameters, and set hold state // cw values are: "PosShift;GaussWidth;Height;Folder;DataNo;" Redimension/N=5 cw int i,j, sourceFound = 0 for (i = 0; i < 10 && !sourceFound; i++) for (j = 0; j < 10 && !sourceFound; j++) cw[3] = i // make sure these are set to the right folder and data before grabbing the source cw[4] = j Wave/Z source = getSource(cw) // grabs the first valid source wave, assumes all other peaks behave the same sourceFound = WaveExists(source) endfor endfor int normInt = 1, normPos = 1 if (sourceFound) Variable wMax = WaveMax(source) Variable left = leftx(source) < rightx(source) ? leftx(source) : rightx(source) Variable right = leftx(source) < rightx(source) ? rightx(source) : leftx(source) normInt = wMax > 0.9 && wMax < 1.1 ? 0 : 1 normPos = left < 0 && right > 0 ? 0 : 1 endif cw[0] = normPos ? 0 : cw[0] // if data seems centered around zero, peak position can stay cw[1] = 0.5 // initial Gaussian broadening cw[2] = normInt ? 1 : cw[2] // if data is normalized, peak height can stay Execute/P/Q "MPFDataFit#MPF_setHoldStateForPeak("+GetWavesDataFolder(cw,2)+", \"00011\")" // this needs to be executed later or the hold state will be reset return 0 End //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Function MPF_DataPeakFunc(Wave cw, Wave yw, Wave xw) : FitFunc // the fit function Wave/Z source = getSource(cw) if (!WaveExists(source)) yw = NaN if (Exists("MPF2_DisplayStatusMessage")) // display an error in the MPF graph Execute/Z "MPF2_DisplayStatusMessage(\"Base folder setup wrong or data not found.\","+GetWavesDataFolder(cw,1)+")" endif return -1 endif Duplicate/free source, yWave SetScale/P x, DimOffset(source,0)+cw[0], DimDelta(source,0), ywave // prepare shifted convolution wave PeakConvolveGaussHelper(yWave, cw[1]) // Gauss convolution Variable minX = pnt2x(yWave,0), maxX = pnt2x(yWave,numpnts(yWave)-1) // make sure to not run out-of-bounds (end-point data is repeated) yw = xw[p] >= minX ? ( xw[p] <= maxX ? cw[2]*yWave(xw[p]) : cw[2]*yWave(maxX) ) : cw[2]*yWave(minX) return 0 End //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Function MPF_DataPeakParams(Wave cw, Wave sw, Wave outWave) Variable Amplitude = NaN, Location = NaN, FWHM = NaN, PeakArea = NaN // set to NaN for now FindPeakStatsHelper(cw, Amplitude, Location, FWHM, PeakArea) // approximately calculates all the results from the parameters // cw values are: "PosShift;GaussWidth;Height;Folder;DataNo;" // output values are: "Location;Height;Area;FWHM;" outWave[0][0] = Location // position outWave[0][1] = NaN outWave[1][0] = Amplitude // height outWave[1][1] = NaN outWave[2][0] = PeakArea // area outWave[2][1] = NaN outWave[3][0] = FWHM // FWHM outWave[3][1] = NaN return 0 End //################################################################################################ Static Function PeakConvolveGaussHelper(Wave in, Variable width) // convolve with a prepared Gaussian if (width == 0 || numtype(width) != 0) return 0 endif Variable pnt, dx = DimDelta(in,0), size = DimSize(in,0) width = abs(width/dx)/sqrt(2) // width normalized by x scaling and convert to expected Gauss 'width' pnt = round(max(abs(10*width),11)) // create a wave 10 times the Gauss width to get the full Gauss in (5 sigma on each side) pnt = min(pnt, 2*numpnts(in)+1) // doesn't have to be larger than two times the full input data pnt = pnt+!mod(pnt, 2) // force odd size Make/FREE/D/N=(pnt) GaussWave GaussWave = Gauss(x, (pnt-1)/2, width) Variable A = sum(GaussWave) // make sure the Gauss area limited even for a few points if (A > 1) GaussWave /= A endif Make/FREE/D/N=(2*pnt+size) temp = in[0] // enlarge the wave to get the full convolution range temp[pnt,size+pnt-1] = in[p-pnt] temp[size+pnt,size+2*pnt-1] = in[size-1] MatrixOP/Free temp = replaceNaNs(temp,0) // makes sure there are no NaN values in-between Convolve/A GaussWave temp in[0,size-1] = temp[p+pnt] End //################################################################################################ Static Function FindPeakStatsHelper(Wave cw, Variable &Amplitude, Variable &Location, Variable &FWHM, Variable &PeakArea) // recalculate the (almost) full peak and extract all result values numerically Wave/Z sw = getSource(cw) if (!WaveExists(sw)) return -1 endif // cw values are: "PosShift;GaussWidth;Height;Folder;DataNo;" Variable left = pnt2x(sw,0)+cw[0], right = pnt2x(sw,numpnts(sw)-1)+cw[0] Variable pntSize = DimSize(sw,0)*10 // create a big wave (fine increments) => decides the numeric resolution pntSize = pntSize > 100000 ? 100000 : pntSize // make sure its not too big Make/FREE/D/N=(pntSize+1) yw, xw Make/FREE/D/N=2 Levels SetScale/I x, left, right, xw; xw = x //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ find values ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MPF_DataPeakFunc(cw, yw, xw) // recalculate the peak with the coef set PeakArea = AreaXY(xw, yw, left, right) // the area is calculated for the full source range WaveStats/Q yw Amplitude = cw[2] > 0 ? V_max : V_min Location = cw[2] > 0 ? xw[V_maxloc] : xw[V_minloc] FindLevels/Q/D=Levels yw, Amplitude/2 // find the half-maximum positions if (V_LevelsFound == 2) left = xw[Levels[0]] right = xw[Levels[1]] FWHM = abs(left - right) endif print/D PeakArea, Amplitude, Location, FWHM if (numtype(FWHM) != 0) return 0 endif //++++++++++++++++++++++++++ recalculate with higher resolution ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SetScale/I x, left - 2*FWHM/(pntsize+1), right + 2*FWHM/(pntsize+1), xw; xw = x // choose a range just a bit bigger than the FWHM MPF_DataPeakFunc(cw, yw, xw) WaveStats/Q yw Amplitude = cw[2] > 0 ? V_max : V_min Location = cw[2] > 0 ? xw[V_maxloc] : xw[V_minloc] FindLevels/Q/D=Levels yw, Amplitude/2 if (V_LevelsFound == 2) left = xw[Levels[0]] right = xw[Levels[1]] FWHM = abs(left - right) endif print/D PeakArea, Amplitude, Location, FWHM return 0 End