#pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method. // Developed by Richard Sandstrom, Cymer // An attempt at a fairly universal reader for the various Tektronix oscilloscope waveform file formats. Will load single and multi-frame waveforms. // Imports file extensions .wfm and .isf, Tek file types LLWFM, WFM#001 to #003 (.wfm files) and WFMPRE (.isf). // Does not support pixel map types. // Initial release 1.0 12/2013 // Simple shell program for loading a single waveform, calling the main LoadTekWfm function. Macro LoadTekWaveform() Variable/G Displayflag,OWFlag=1,TimeStampFlag,FrameIndex,N_Frames String FullFilePath String/G OutName Variable Refnum // Get file name and refnumber Open/R/D/F= "Tek WFM or ISF file:.wfm,.isf;" Refnum // Open files with .wfm or .isf extensions FullFilePath = S_filename Outname = ParseFilePath(3, S_filename,":",1,0) // strip off full path Outname = CleanupName(Outname, 1 ) // Enforce liberal naming rules GetNewName() // Give opportunity to change name, ask about plotting. Return name via global. If(CheckName(OutName, 1 )!= 0) // name already exists Asktooverwrite() // Set overwite flag. If the answer is no, the macro will skip the load. EndIf If(OWFlag == 1) LoadTekWfm(FullFilePath, OutName, TimeStampFlag) // load waveform // Plot results If(DisplayFlag == 1) // New graph Display/W=(235,149,1074,696) $OutName ModifyGraph grid=1 ModifyGraph tick=2 ModifyGraph mirror=1 ModifyGraph nticks(left)=15,nticks(bottom)=10 If(N_Frames >1) // This is fast-frame data, add frame control AddFrameControl() EndIf EndIf If(DisplayFlag == 2) Appendtograph $OutName EndIf EndIf end Macro AddFrameControl() ControlBar 50 SetVariable setvar0,pos={369,24},size={126,22},proc=SetVarProc_FrameControl,title="Frame #" SetVariable setvar0,fSize=14,value= FrameIndex End // LoadFourWaveforms() Loads up to 4 waveforms and renames them according to channel number. Some scopes will save all active channel waveforms in a single save call, // automatically generating names of the form _CH1, _CH2, etc., where is typically a time/date code. This macro allows // user-selected names to be substituted for CH1, CH2, etc. for more readability It also reverses the order to _ // Select a representative file _CHx to load, and the other three files will be loaded and renamed (if they exist). // If "Scale and deskew" is selected, a second dialog appears that allows scale factors and time skews to be input. The waveforms are multiplied by the scale factors, // and the time skews are applied to the x-scaling of the waves to correct for interchannel delays. A positive time skew will shift the waveform to the right. Macro LoadFourWaveforms(CH1Name,CH2Name,CH3Name,CH4Name,Flag,DispFlag) String/G LastCh1Name,LastCh2Name,LastCh3Name,LastCH4Name Variable/G LastFlag,LastDispFlag String CH1Name = LastCh1Name String CH2Name = LastCh2Name String CH3Name = LastCh3Name String CH4Name = LastCh4Name Variable Flag = LastFlag Variable DispFlag = LastDispFlag Prompt Ch1Name, "CH1 Name" Prompt Ch2Name, "CH2 Name" Prompt Ch3Name, "CH3 Name" Prompt Ch4Name, "CH4 Name" Prompt DispFlag, "Plot?",popup,"No;Make New Graph;Add to top graph;Display Only" Prompt Flag,"Scale and de-skew?",popup,"No;Use last valid;Change" Variable/G LastDispFlag = DispFlag Variable/G LastSF1,LastSF2,LastSF3,LastSF4,LastTS1,LastTS2,LastTS3,LastTS4 If(Flag==3) LoadScaleFactors() EndIf String Name1,Name2,Name3,Name4,FolderPath,FullFilePath,Name,OutName1,OutName2,OutName3,OutName4 Variable Refnum Open/R/D/F= "Tek WFM or ISF file:.wfm,.isf;" Refnum Close/A FolderPath = ParseFilePath(1, S_filename,":",1,0) // path to folder containing file Name = ParseFilePath(3, S_filename,":",1,0) // file name, with extension removed Name = Name[0,strlen(Name)-5] // strip off _CHx Name1 = FolderPath+Name+"_CH1.wfm" Name2 = FolderPath+Name+"_CH2.wfm" Name3 = FolderPath+Name+"_CH3.wfm" Name4 = FolderPath+Name+"_CH4.wfm" If(DispFlag == 4) // for display only; give generic names Disp_CHx OutName1 = "Disp_CH1" OutName2 = "Disp_CH2" OutName3 = "Disp_CH3" OutName4 = "Disp_CH4" Else OutName1 = CH1Name+"_"+Name OutName2 = CH2Name+"_"+Name OutName3 = CH3Name+"_"+Name OutName4 = CH4Name+"_"+Name EndIf //print OutName1,OutName2,OutName3,OutName4 LoadTekWfm(Name1,OutName1, 0) LoadTekWfm(Name2,OutName2, 0) LoadTekWfm(Name3,OutName3, 0) LoadTekWfm(Name4,OutName4, 0) String/G LastCH1Name = CH1Name String/G LastCH2Name = CH2Name String/G LastCH3Name = CH3Name String/G LastCH4Name = CH4Name Variable NewXO If(Flag>=2) // scale and de-skew If(exists(OutName1)==1) $OutName1 *= LastSF1 NewXO = leftx($OutName1)+LastTS1*1e-9 Setscale/P x,NewXO,deltax($OutName1), $OutName1 endIf If(exists(OutName2)==1) $OutName2 *= LastSF2 NewXO = leftx($OutName2)+LastTS2*1e-9 Setscale/P x,NewXO,deltax($OutName2), $OutName2 endIf If(exists(OutName3)==1) $OutName3 *= LastSF3 NewXO = leftx($OutName3)+LastTS3*1e-9 Setscale/P x,NewXO,deltax($OutName3), $OutName3 endIf If(exists(OutName4)==1) $OutName4 *= LastSF4 NewXO = leftx($OutName4)+LastTS4*1e-9 Setscale/P x,NewXO,deltax($OutName4), $OutName4 endIf EndIf If(DispFlag == 2) // New graph Display/W=(235,149,1074,696) $OutName1,$OutName2,$OutName3,$OutName4 ModifyGraph grid=1 ModifyGraph tick=2 ModifyGraph mirror=1 ModifyGraph nticks(left)=15,nticks(bottom)=10 EndIf If(DispFlag == 3) // append Appendtograph $OutName EndIf If(DispFlag == 4) // display generic Display/W=(235,149,1074,696) $OutName1,$OutName2,$OutName3,$OutName4 ModifyGraph grid=1 ModifyGraph tick=2 ModifyGraph mirror=1 ModifyGraph nticks(left)=15,nticks(bottom)=10 EndIf end // Dialog to import scale factors and time skews. Proc LoadScaleFactors(SF1,SF2,SF3,SF4,TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4) Variable/G LastSF1,LastSF2,LastSF3,LastSF4,LastTS1,LastTS2,LastTS3,LastTS4 Variable SF1=LastSF1 Variable SF2=LastSF2 Variable SF3=LastSF3 Variable SF4=LastSF4 Variable TS1 = LastTS1 Variable TS2 = LastTS2 Variable TS3 = LastTS3 Variable TS4 = LastTS4 Prompt SF1,"Scale factor CH1" Prompt SF2,"Scale factor CH2" Prompt SF3,"Scale factor CH3" Prompt SF4,"Scale factor CH4" Prompt TS1,"Time skew CH1, ns" Prompt TS2,"Time skew CH2, ns" Prompt TS3,"Time skew CH3, ns" Prompt TS4,"Time skew CH4, ns" LastSF1 = SF1 LastSF2 = SF2 LastSF3 = SF3 LastSF4 = SF4 LastTS1 = TS1 LastTS2 = TS2 LastTS3 = TS3 LastTS4 = TS4 end // An attempt at a fairly universal reader for the various Tek wavefrom file formats. Will load single and multi-frame waveforms. // Imports file extensions .wfm and .isf, Tek file types LLWFM, WFM#001 to #003 (.wfm files) and WFMPRE (.isf). // Does not support pixel map types. Structured so that new formats can be added as they evolve. This is the functional core of the load routine, and is designed to // be called from another routine. // FullFilePath is a string representing the full path to the Tek file to be loaded. This is usually determined in a dialog prior to calling this function. If FullFilePath does not exist, the function terminates without loading or error. // Outname is a string representing the name of the loaded wave. Usually it is defaulted to the loaded filename, but may be different. In case of a name conflict, an existing wave will be // over-written, so perform name checking before calling this function. // Set TimeStampFlag =1 if you want a fast-frame file to generate an associated time stamp wave name OutName_TimeStmp. Set to 0 to skip this. Ignored for single-frame files. Function LoadTekWfm(FullFilePath, OutName, TimeStampFlag) String FullFilePath, OutName Variable TimeStampFlag Variable Refnum, Offset,Type=0 String HeaderString Make/O/n=15/T HeaderInfoStr="" // "Universal" collection of key string and numerical data contained in header, independent of Tek Waveform type Make/O/n=15 HeaderInfoData=0 // Not meant to be exhaustive list of possible parameters, just the most basic. Designed to be extended if needed. //HeaderInfoStr = {Source_file_name, File_type, Source_waveform, Acq_mode, Horiz_unit, Vert_unit, Vert_coupling} //HeaderInfoData = {Hscale_pt, Trig_pos, NSamples, Vert_gain, V_Offset, V_Pos, DataRead_fType, DataRead_Offset,H_Offset,DataRead_ByteOrder,N_Frames} Variable Hscale_pt, Trig_pos, NSamples, Vert_gain, V_Offset, V_Pos, DataRead_fType, DataRead_Offset,H_Offset,DataRead_ByteOrder Variable/G N_Frames String Source_file_name // Open file and get refnumber Open/Z/R Refnum as FullFilePath If(V_flag ==0) // File exists HeaderInfoStr[0] = ParseFilePath(3, S_filename,":",1,0) // strip off full path, store file name of source file // Read first 15 bytes, determine file type, then import file header info. FReadLine/N=15 RefNum,HeaderString HeaderInfoStr[1] = "" If(GrepString(HeaderString, "[Ll][Ll][Ww][Ff][Mm]") == 1) // Look for file type LLWFM. TDS640 HeaderInfoStr[1] = "LLWFM" If(StrSearch(HeaderString, ":",0) == -1) // no extra colon found Offset = 7 Else Offset = 8 EndIf GetLLWFMHeaderInfo(Refnum,Offset) EndIf If(GrepString(HeaderString, "[Ww][Ff][Mm]#001") == 1) // Look for format file type WFM#001. TDS5000,TDS6000,TDS7000 HeaderInfoStr[1] = "WFM#001" GetWFM00xHeaderInfo(Refnum,1) Type=1 EndIf If(GrepString(HeaderString, "[Ww][Ff][Mm]#002") == 1) // Look for format file type WFM#002 TDS 5000B HeaderInfoStr[1] = "WFM#002" GetWFM00xHeaderInfo(Refnum,2) Type=2 EndIf If(GrepString(HeaderString, "[Ww][Ff][Mm]#003") == 1) // Look for format file type WFM#003 DPO7000, DPO70000, DSA70000 HeaderInfoStr[1] = "WFM#003" GetWFM00xHeaderInfo(Refnum,3) Type=3 EndIf If(GrepString(HeaderString, "[Ww][Ff][Mm][Pp][Rr][Ee]") == 1) // Look for format file type WFMPRE (.isf files). TDS 3000 and DPO4000 HeaderInfoStr[1] = "WFMPRE" GetWFMPREHeaderInfo(Refnum) EndIf If(cmpstr(HeaderInfoStr[1], "")==0) // Unknown file type Abort "Unknown file type" EndIf // Import data. Can be complicated by missing bytes at end of file. Call status info on file and find number of bytes in file before loading. NSamples = HeaderInfoData[2] DataRead_fType = HeaderInfoData[6] DataRead_Offset = HeaderInfoData[7] DataRead_ByteOrder = HeaderInfoData[9] N_Frames = HeaderInfoData[10] FStatus refnum // get number of bytes in file Variable datapoints,totalbytes,bytesperpt totalbytes = V_logEOF Make/O/N=6 TempBytes TempBytes = {0,1,2,4,4,8} bytesperpt = TempBytes[DataRead_fType] // get number of bytes per data point, from Igor DataRead_fType Killwaves TempBytes If(N_Frames <= 1) // Single frame data FSetPos refNum, DataRead_Offset datapoints = min((totalbytes-DataRead_Offset)/bytesperpt,NSamples) // take lesser of expected versus actual data points in file Else // Fast-frame data set; load initially into 1D wave, then re-shape later into matrix. Includes 16 points pre- and post-charge data FSetPos refNum, DataRead_Offset-16 // Start read 16 bytes before 1st valid data ("precharge region"). Will strip off later. datapoints = min((totalbytes-DataRead_Offset+16)/bytesperpt,(NSamples+32)*N_Frames) // take lesser of expected versus actual data points in file EndIf Make/O/n=(datapoints) Outwave If(DataRead_fType < 0) // Look for flag (negative sign) denoting unsigned data FBinRead /F=(-DataRead_fType)/U/B=(DataRead_ByteOrder ) refNum, Outwave Else FBinRead /F=(DataRead_fType)/B=(DataRead_ByteOrder ) refNum, Outwave EndIf // Import timestamp data, if selected If((TimeStampFlag==1) && ( N_Frames > 1)) // make timestamp file. Seconds is offset from start of file Variable Type2Offset=0,Type3Offset=0,TToffset,FracSec,GMTsec,TToffset0,FracSec0,GMTsec0 String TimeStampName = OutName[0,24]+"_TStmp" TimeStampName=CleanupName(TimeStampName, 1 ) Make/D/O/N=(N_Frames) $TimeStampName Wave TS = $TimeStampName If(Type >= 2) // Set up 'offsets' according to file type. This compensates the byte offsets of parameters, due to Tektronix shoe-horning in new or extended parameters into the header data. Type2Offset = 2 EndIf If(Type >= 3) Type3Offset = 4 EndIf FSetPos refNum, 770+Type2Offset+2*Type3Offset FBinRead /F=5/B=(DataRead_ByteOrder ) refNum, TToffset0 // read in timing for first waveform FBinRead /F=5/B=(DataRead_ByteOrder ) refNum, FracSec0 FBinRead /F=3/B=(DataRead_ByteOrder ) refNum, GMTsec0 TS[0] = 0 Variable I=1,ReadPos Do ReadPos = 824+Type2Offset+2*Type3Offset+(I-1)*24 // There is a typo in the Tek reference document. FastFrame WfmUpdateSpec data starts at hex 0x334 = 820 FSetPos refNum, ReadPos FBinRead /F=5/B=(DataRead_ByteOrder ) refNum, TToffset // read in timing for I'th waveform FBinRead /F=5/B=(DataRead_ByteOrder ) refNum, FracSec FBinRead /F=3/B=(DataRead_ByteOrder ) refNum, GMTsec // print /d TToffset,FracSec,GMTsec TS[I] = (GMTsec-GMTsec0)+(FracSec-FracSec0)+(TToffset-TToffset0)*HeaderInfoData[0] I+=1 While(I< N_Frames) EndIf Close refnum // Scale binary data to physical units Hscale_pt = HeaderInfoData[0] Trig_pos = HeaderInfoData[1] Vert_gain = HeaderInfoData[3] V_Offset = HeaderInfoData[4] V_Pos = HeaderInfoData[5] H_Offset = HeaderInfoData[8] Variable xstart If(cmpstr(HeaderInfoStr[1], "LLWFM")==0) // Scale LLWFM data xstart = -NSamples*Trig_pos/100*Hscale_pt // xstart = -NSample*Trig_Pos/100*Hscale_pt Setscale/P x, xstart,Hscale_pt, Outwave Outwave = Outwave[p]*Vert_gain/25/256+V_Offset - V_Pos*Vert_gain // scaled data = vdata*v_gain/25/256+V_offset-V_gain*V_pos EndIf If(strsearch(HeaderInfoStr[1], "WFM#00",0 )==0) // Scale WFM#00x data; fast frame data still in 1D format xstart = H_Offset // xstart = -H_Offset Setscale/P x, xstart,Hscale_pt, Outwave Outwave = Outwave[p]*Vert_gain+V_Offset // scaled data = vdata*v_gain+V_offset EndIf If(strsearch(HeaderInfoStr[1], "WFMPRE",0 )==0) // Scale WFMPRE data (.isf) xstart = H_Offset // xstart = -H_Offset Setscale/P x, xstart,Hscale_pt, Outwave Outwave = (Outwave[p]-V_Offset )*Vert_gain // scaled data = (vdata-V_offset)*v_gain. Don't you wish Tektronix would make up its mind? EndIf // Re-shape wave as necessary If(N_Frames <= 1) // single frame data. Make sure it has NSamples Redimension/N=(NSamples) OutWave Else // Fast-frame data, reformat into matrix. Strip off pre- and post-charge data Redimension/N=((NSamples+32),N_Frames) OutWave DeletePoints /M=0 0, 16, Outwave DeletePoints /M=0 NSamples,16, Outwave EndIf // Write wave note Note/K Outwave, "Source file name: "+HeaderInfoStr[0]+ ".wfm "+HeaderInfoStr[2] If(N_Frames > 1) Note Outwave, "Fast frame data set. Number of frames = "+num2str(N_Frames) EndIf Note Outwave, "Vertical unit: "+HeaderInfoStr[5]+" "+HeaderInfoStr[7]+" "+HeaderInfoStr[3] Note Outwave, "Horizontal unit: "+HeaderInfoStr[4]+", Increment/pt: "+num2str(Hscale_pt)+" "+HeaderInfoStr[4] If((TimeStampFlag==1) && ( N_Frames > 1)) // Copy notes into timestamp file Note/K $TimeStampName, "Time stamp for fast-frame data "+OutName Note $TimeStampName, note(Outwave) EndIf // Rename output wave. Try to do it efficiently. If(CheckName(OutName, 1 )== 0) // Name does not already exist Rename Outwave, $OutName Else Duplicate/O Outwave, $OutName Killwaves Outwave EndIf KillWaves/Z HeaderInfoStr,HeaderInfoData EndIf End // Dialog to change file name, ask about plotting, ask about the timestamp Proc GetNewName(name,flag, TSFlag) String/G Outname String name=OutName Variable Flag, TSFlag Prompt name, "Enter wave name:" Prompt Flag, "Plot?",popup,"No;Make New Graph;Add to top graph" Prompt TSFlag, "Fast-frame files: make time stamp file?",popup,"No;Yes" Variable/G Displayflag = Flag-1 Variable/G TimeStampFlag=TSFlag-1 Outname = CleanupName(name, 1 ) // modify as needed to valid name end // Dialog to set over write flag Proc Asktooverwrite(Flag) Variable Flag Prompt Flag,"Name already exists. Over-write wave?",popup,"No;Yes" Variable/G OWFlag = Flag-1 End // Imports header info for the Tek waveform file type LLWFM. Places the results in the waves HeaderInfoStr (text items), and // HeaderInfoData (numerical items). Function GetLLWFMHeaderInfo(Refnum,Offset) Variable Refnum,Offset Wave/T HeaderInfoStr Wave HeaderInfoData Variable ndigits, TekCode, Temp FSetPos refNum, Offset FBinRead /F=1/U refNum, ndigits ndigits = str2num(num2char(ndigits)) // loaded as ASCII code, needs to be converted to number Offset +=1+ndigits+40 // advance to Acq. mode FSetPos refNum, (Offset) // set pointer to first Tek Code item, Acquisition mode FBinRead /F=2/B=2 refNum, TekCode HeaderInfoStr[3]=TekCodeStr(TekCode) Offset+=12 // Jump 2+10 bytes to Tek Code item, Vert. coupling FSetPos refNum, (Offset) FBinRead /F=2/B=2 refNum, TekCode HeaderInfoStr[7]=TekCodeStr(TekCode) // Vert. coupling FBinRead /F=2/B=2 refNum, TekCode HeaderInfoStr[4]=TekCodeStr(TekCode) // H units FBinRead /F=5/B=2 refNum, Temp HeaderInfoData[0] = Temp // H scale/pt FBinRead /F=2/B=2 refNum, TekCode HeaderInfoStr[5]=TekCodeStr(TekCode) // V units FBinRead /F=5/B=2 refNum, Temp HeaderInfoData[4] = Temp // V offset FBinRead /F=5/B=2 refNum, Temp HeaderInfoData[5] = Temp // V position FBinRead /F=5/B=2 refNum, Temp HeaderInfoData[3] = Temp // V scale FBinRead /F=3/B=2 refNum, Temp HeaderInfoData[2] = Temp // NSamples FBinRead /F=2/B=2 refNum, Temp HeaderInfoData[1] = Temp // TrigPos, % FStatus refnum FSetPos refNum, ( V_filepos+6) // jump forward 6 bytes FBinRead /F=2/B=2 refNum, TekCode HeaderInfoStr[2]=TekCodeStr(TekCode) // Vert. coupling FStatus refnum HeaderInfoData[7] = v_filepos+60 // pointer position for start of data, DataRead_Offset HeaderInfoData[6] = 2 // /F option value for FBinRead, DataRead_fType = I16 HeaderInfoData[9] = 2 // Byte order is assumed to be Big-endian End // Converts Tek string code numbers to their appropriate strings. Used in LLWFM file headers. Function/S TekCodeStr(Code) Variable Code String CodeStr = num2Str(Code), ReturnStr ReturnStr = StringByKey(CodeStr, "0:;2:Peak Detect;3:Hi Res;4:Average;25:Ground;565:DC Coupling;566:AC Coupling;609:Volts;610:s;97:On;98:Off;") ReturnStr += StringByKey(CodeStr, "187:Envelope;285:Sample;669:Normal;930:RMS Average;631:Unknown;736:Hz;740:dB;766:V-sec;767:VVs;") ReturnStr += StringByKey(CodeStr, "768:V/s;920:V/V;107:Ch1;108:Ch2;109:Ch3;110:Ch4;907:Ch5;908:Ch6;909:Ch7;910:Ch8;911:Ch9;912:Ch10;") ReturnStr += StringByKey(CodeStr, "913:Ch11;914:Ch12;915:Ch13;916:Ch14;917:Ch15;918:Ch16;111:Math1;112:Math2;113:Math3;972:Math4;") ReturnStr += StringByKey(CodeStr, "973:Math5;974:Math6;975:Math7;114:Ref1;115:Ref2;116:Ref3;117:Ref4;118:Ref5;119:Ref6;120:Ref7;121:Ref8;") Return ReturnStr End // Imports header info for the Tek waveform file type WFM#001,002,and 003. Places the results in the waves HeaderInfoStr (text items), and // HeaderInfoData (numerical items). (Type is the x in WFM#00x). Byte offsets are from the Tek article 001137803.pdf. // HeaderInfoStr = {Source_file_name, File_type, Source_waveform, Acq_mode, Horiz_unit, Vert_unit, Vert_coupling} // HeaderInfoData = {Hscale_pt, Trig_pos, NSamples, Vert_gain, V_Offset, V_Pos, DataRead_fType, DataRead_Offset,H_Offset,DataRead_ByteOrder,N_Frames} Function GetWFM00xHeaderInfo(Refnum,Type) Variable Refnum,Type Wave/T HeaderInfoStr Wave HeaderInfoData Variable/D ndigits, Offset, Temp Variable Type2Offset=0,Type3Offset=0,Byteorder String TempStr // Set up 'offsets' according to file type. This compensates the byte offsets of parameters, due to Tektronix shoe-horning in new or extended parameters into the header data. If(Type >= 2) Type2Offset = 2 EndIf If(Type >= 3) Type3Offset = 4 EndIf // Check for data byte order. FSetPos refNum, 0 FBinRead/F=2/U refNum, Temp // load first two bytes, to check for byte ordering If(Temp == 61680) // U16 code for "ננ", signifying high-byte first HeaderInfoData[9] = 2 // Big-endian byte ordering Byteorder = 2 Else HeaderInfoData[9] = 3 // Little-endian byte ordering Byteorder = 3 endif // Start parsing the header FSetPos refNum, 16 FBinRead /F=3/B=(Byteorder) refNum, Temp // DataRead_Offset to start of buffer HeaderInfoData[7] = Temp // This value is incomplete; it will be refined later FSetPos refNum, 72 FBinRead /F=3/U/B=(Byteorder) refNum, Temp HeaderInfoData[10] = Temp+1 // N_Frames, number of frames of data. Normally = 1 for ordinary traces. If(Type >= 2) FSetPos refNum, 154 FBinRead /F=2/U/B=(Byteorder) refNum, Temp // Read Summary frame type HeaderInfoStr[3] = StringFromList(Temp, "Sample;Average;Envelope;") EndIf FSetPos refNum, 166+Type2Offset FBinRead /F=5/B=(Byteorder) refNum, Temp HeaderInfoData[3] = Temp // V scale FSetPos refNum, 174+Type2Offset FBinRead /F=5/B=(Byteorder) refNum, Temp HeaderInfoData[4] = Temp // V offset FSetPos refNum, (186+Type2Offset) TempStr = PadString(" ", 20, 0) // allocate 20 characters for read FBinRead refNum, TempStr // V units, terminated by null HeaderInfoStr[5] = TempStr[0,strsearch(TempStr, num2char(0), 0)] // parse V units by stopping at first null FSetPos refNum, 238+Type2Offset FBinRead /F=1/U refNum, Temp // Tek data format code: 0 = I16, 1 = I32, 2 = U32, 3 = U64, 4 = FP32, 5 = FP64, 6 = U8, 7 = I8, 8 = invalid Make/O/N=7 FormatCode FormatCode= {2,3,-3,0,4,5,-1,1,0} // Convert Tek format code into Igor's equivalent (used in FBinRead/F option). 0 = native,1=I8 , 2 = I16, 3 = I32, 4 = FP32, 5 = FP64 HeaderInfoData[6] = FormatCode[Temp] // Igor covers the possible range of data read formats with a combination of /F code and the /U option. We represent the /U option by a minus sign. KillWaves FormatCode FSetPos refNum, 306+Type2Offset+Type3Offset FBinRead /F=5/B=(Byteorder) refNum, Temp // H trigger position, % HeaderInfoData[1] = Temp FSetPos refNum, 478+Type2Offset+Type3Offset FBinRead /F=5/B=(Byteorder) refNum, Temp // H scale, time/pt HeaderInfoData[0] = Temp FBinRead /F=5/B=(Byteorder) refNum, Temp // H offset HeaderInfoData[8] = Temp FBinRead /F=3/U/B=(Byteorder) refNum, Temp // NSamples + 32 extra HeaderInfoData[2] = Temp-32 FSetPos refNum, 498+Type2Offset+Type3Offset FBinRead refNum, TempStr // H units HeaderInfoStr[4] = TempStr[0,strsearch(TempStr, num2char(0), 0)] // parse units by stopping at first null FSetPos refNum, 804+Type2Offset+2*Type3Offset FBinRead /F=3/U/B=(Byteorder) refNum, Temp // byte offset from start of buffer to first valid data pt, = DataRead_Offset +Data Start Offset HeaderInfoData[7] += Temp end // Imports preamble data from .isf file format. The preamble looks like: //:WFMPRE:BYT_NR 2;BIT_NR 16;ENCDG BIN;BN_FMT RI;BYT_OR MSB;NR_PT 10000;WFID "Ch1, DC coupling, 2.0E0 V/div, 1.0E-5 s/div, 10000 points, Sample mode"; //PT_FMT Y;XINCR 1.0E-8;PT_OFF 0;XZERO 3.5E-4;XUNIT "s";YMULT 3.125E-4;YZERO 0.0E0;YOFF 0.0E0;YUNIT "V";:CURVE #520000 Function GetWFMPREHeaderInfo(Refnum) Variable Refnum Wave/T HeaderInfoStr Wave HeaderInfoData String HeaderString,TempStr FSetPos refNum, 0 FReadLine/N=500 RefNum,HeaderString // read first 500 characters of file as text, after :WFMPRE: HeaderInfoStr[2] = StringByKey("WFID",HeaderString, " ",";") // put most of note comments in this slot HeaderInfoStr[4] = StringByKey("XUNIT",HeaderString, " ",";") // H units HeaderInfoStr[5] = StringByKey("YUNIT",HeaderString, " ",";") // V units HeaderInfoData[0] = str2num(StringByKey("XINCR",HeaderString, " ",";")) // Hscale_pt HeaderInfoData[2] = str2num(StringByKey("NR_PT",HeaderString, " ",";")) // NSamples HeaderInfoData[3] = str2num(StringByKey("YMULT",HeaderString, " ",";")) // Vert gain HeaderInfoData[4] = str2num(StringByKey("YOFF",HeaderString, " ",";")) // Vert Offset HeaderInfoData[6] = str2num(StringByKey(":WFMPRE:BYT_NR",HeaderString, " ",";")) // Number of bytes/pt HeaderInfoData[8] = str2num(StringByKey("XZERO",HeaderString, " ",";")) // H Offset TempStr = StringByKey("BYT_OR",HeaderString, " ",";") // Byte order If(cmpstr(TempStr,"MSB")==0) // Big-endian byte order HeaderInfoData[9] = 2 Else HeaderInfoData[9] = 3 // Little-endian byte order EndIf If(HeaderInfoData[6]== 4) // convert byte number to fType for binary read HeaderInfoData[6]=3 // ftype = # bytes for f=1,2; ftype = 3 for 4 byte I32 EndIf Variable DataRead_Offset = strsearch(HeaderString,":CURVE #",0)+8 // position of "X" number denoting # of digits in byte count Variable DigCnt = str2num(HeaderString[DataRead_Offset]) // number of digits HeaderInfoData[7] = DataRead_Offset+1+DigCnt // pointer position (in bytes) to the first curve data point end // Used to replot one or more fastframe traces according to the frame number. Called whenever the frameindex is changed // The major characteristics of each plot (axes,color, mode,line style) are preserved. Function SetVarProc_FrameControl(ctrlName,varNum,varStr,varName) : SetVariableControl String ctrlName Variable varNum String varStr String varName Variable /G FrameIndex String TraceNames = TraceNameList("", ";", 1) String TraceName,TraceInfoStr,XAxisname,Yaxisname TraceNames =ReplaceString("'", TraceNames, "") Variable NTraces = ItemsInList(TraceNames), I=0 Variable mode,gaps,LSize,LStyle,marker,msize,offx,offy,red,green,blue Do TraceName = ReplaceString("'", StringFromList(0, TraceNameList("", ";", 1)),"") // Allways get first in list, because the list numbering is constantly revolving. Strip off single quotes used on liberal names; incompatible with $ operator TraceInfoStr=TraceInfo("", TraceName, 0) // Get plotting info about this trace, so it can be reproduced Xaxisname = StringbyKey("XAXIS",TraceInfoStr) Yaxisname = StringbyKey("YAXIS",TraceInfoStr) TraceInfoStr= TraceInfoStr[strsearch(TraceInfoStr,"RECREATION",0)+11,strlen(Traceinfostr)-1] gaps=NumberByKey("gaps(x)", TraceInfoStr, "=", ";") mode=NumberByKey("mode(x)", TraceInfoStr, "=", ";") LSize=NumberByKey("LSize(x)", TraceInfoStr, "=", ";") LStyle=NumberByKey("LStyle(x)", TraceInfoStr, "=", ";") marker=NumberByKey("marker(x)", TraceInfoStr, "=", ";") msize=NumberByKey("msize(x)", TraceInfoStr, "=", ";") offx=str2num(StringfromList(0,ReplaceString(")",StringByKey("offset(x)", TraceInfoStr, "=", ";"),"")[1,100],",")) // Whew! offy=str2num(StringfromList(1,ReplaceString(")",StringByKey("offset(x)", TraceInfoStr, "=", ";"),"")[1,100],",")) red=str2num(StringfromList(0,ReplaceString(")",StringByKey("rgb(x)", TraceInfoStr, "=", ";"),"")[1,100],",")) green=str2num(StringfromList(1,ReplaceString(")",StringByKey("rgb(x)", TraceInfoStr, "=", ";"),"")[1,100],",")) blue=str2num(StringfromList(2,ReplaceString(")",StringByKey("rgb(x)", TraceInfoStr, "=", ";"),"")[1,100],",")) if (stringmatch(Xaxisname, "top")&&stringmatch(Yaxisname, "left")) // clumsy way to specify append flags AppendToGraph/T $TraceName [][FrameIndex] elseif (stringmatch(Xaxisname, "bottom")&&stringmatch(Yaxisname, "right")) AppendToGraph/R $TraceName [][FrameIndex] elseif (stringmatch(Xaxisname, "top")&&stringmatch(Yaxisname, "right")) AppendToGraph/R/T $TraceName [][FrameIndex] else AppendToGraph $TraceName [][FrameIndex] endif RemoveFromGraph $TraceName // Trace appended at end, initially gets #1 appended, then dropped when original trace is removed. Trace just modified is last on list now ModifyGraph mode($TraceName)=(mode), gaps($TraceName)=(gaps), LSize($TraceName)=(LSize), LStyle($TraceName)=(LStyle), marker($TraceName)=(marker) ModifyGraph msize($TraceName)=(msize), offset($TraceName)={offx,offy}, rgb($TraceName)=(red,green,blue) I+=1 While(I < NTraces) End // Uses the cursors on the top graph to define the baseline window for baseline zeroing. Multiplies // the curve by ScaleF Macro AdjustBaselineAndScale(Name,ScaleF) Variable/G LastScaleF String Name Variable ScaleF = LastScaleF Prompt Name, "Wave",popup,TraceNameList("", ";", 1) Prompt ScaleF, "Scale factor to multiply graph by" LastScaleF = ScaleF WaveStats/Q/R=(xcsr(A),xcsr(B)) $Name $Name-=V_avg $Name*=ScaleF end