Save Experiment SnapShot with Date+Time Stamp Suffix

I often need to save snap shots of experiments with brief notes in case I need to return. This saves a snap shot of the current experiment with a date+time stamp suffix. It puts a global string SnapShotNote with comments before saving. Saves to home directory (same as current experiment) or to user's choice if first time. Recognizes if the current experiment is itself a snap shot. Relies on a function to create the date + time stamp.
21-04-16: corrected a mistake in ParseFilePath
// Save Experiment SnapShot Function SaveExpSnapShot() string pstr = "", nstr, lssn, ossn variable vs = 0, vh = 0, vk = 1 // get current experiment info string CurrExperiment = IgorInfo(1) string dstamp = DateTimeStamp() string SExpName // note string Prompt nstr, "What note for this snapshot?" DoPrompt "Note for snapshot?" nstr if (v_flag == 1) return 0 endif sprintf lssn, "%s\r%s", DateTimeStamp(dsep="-",tsep=":",sep="/"), nstr // save it? PathInfo home if (v_flag == 0) NewPath/Q/C/M="Where should this experiment be saved?" tsave if (v_flag == 0) vs = 1 endif else vh = 1 vs = 1 endif if (vs == 1) SVAR/Z SSN = root:SnapShotNote if (SVAR_exists(SSN)) SExpName = ParseFilePath(1,CurrExperiment,"_",1,0) + dstamp ossn = SSN SSN = lssn + "\r" + ossn vk = 0 else SExpName = CurrExperiment + "_" + dstamp string/G root:SnapShotNote SVAR SSN = root:SnapShotNote SSN = lssn endif switch(vh) case 0: // not to home SaveExperiment/P=tsave/C as SExpName PathInfo tsave pstr = S_path KillPath tsave break case 1: // to home SaveExperiment/C as SExpName PathInfo home pstr = S_path break endswitch switch(vk) case 0: // replace existing with old SSN = ossn break case 1: // kill temporary killstrings/Z root:SnapShotNote break endswitch sprintf nstr, "%s --> Experiment snapshot saved: %s %s\r%s", DateTimeStamp(dsep="-",tsep=":",sep="/"), pstr, SExpName, nstr print nstr endif return 0 end // date/time stamp in various ways // dsep - date separator string (default "") // tsep - time separator string (default "") // sep - date + time separator string (default "") // dtonly - 0: all, 1: date only, 2: time only (default 0) Function/S DateTimeStamp([dsep,tsep,sep,dtonly]) string dsep, tsep, sep variable dtonly string a, b, c, dstr, tstr, rtstr, gExp if (ParamIsDefault(sep)) sep = "" endif if (ParamIsDefault(dsep)) dsep = "" endif if (ParamIsDefault(tsep)) tsep = "" endif if (ParamIsDefault(dtonly)) dtonly = 0 endif gExp = "([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)" SplitString/E=(gExp) secs2date(datetime,-1), a, b, c dstr = c[2,3] + dsep + b + dsep + a gExp = "([0-9]+):([0-9]+)" SplitString/E=(gExp) secs2time(datetime,2), a, b tstr = a + tsep + b switch(dtonly) case 0: // all rtstr = dstr + sep + tstr break case 1: // date only rtstr = dstr break case 2: // time only rtstr = tstr break endswitch return rtstr end



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