The Watson-Williams test for the equality of the means of two or more samples. In this example we consider the following 3 samples where the numerical values represent angles in radians:
data1 | data2 | data3 | data4 |
3.16 | 3.06 | 3.31 | 3.31 |
3.59 | 3.24 | 3.54 | 3.11 |
3.94 | 2.89 | 3.75 | 3.15 |
3.86 | 3.15 | 4.01 | 2.63 |
2.9 | 3.58 | 3.84 | 3.04 |
3.77 | 3.67 | 3.59 | 3.59 |
3.76 | 2.7 |
First, we test the equality of the means of data1 and data2. To execute the test, execute the following command:
StatsWatsonWilliamsTest/T=1/Q data1,data2
The results are given in the Watson-Williams Test table.
Samples | 2 |
Total_Points | 13 |
R | 12.1775 |
Pop_Mean_Angle | 3.42966 |
rw | 0.941734 |
K | 1.04234 |
F_Statistic | 0.984252 |
Critical_F | 4.84434 |
T_Statistic | 0.992095 |
Critical_T | 2.20099 |
In this case the test provides both the F and the T statistics together with their critical values. It is evident that the critical values are much larger than the two test statistics so H0 (equality of means) can't be rejected. The remaining test results, include the population mean angle (in radians) as well as the weighted value rw and the correction factor K used in both the F and T statistics calculations.
You can use this operation with more than two waves as in the following example. To execute the test, execute the following command:
StatsWatsonWilliamsTest/T=1/Q data1,data2,data3
The results are given in the Watson-Williams Test table.
Samples | 3 |
Total_Points | 19 |
R | 17.9096 |
Pop_Mean_Angle | 3.50861 |
rw | 0.952209 |
K | 1.03494 |
F_Statistic | 1.66266 |
Critical_F | 3.63372 |
T_Statistic | 1.82355 |
Critical_T | 2.11991 |
Here, again, H0 can't be rejected. By contrast, we have to reject H0 in the following test:
StatsWatsonWilliamsTest/T=1/Q data1,data2,data3,data4
Samples | 4 |
Total_Points | 26 |
R | 24.1286 |
Pop_Mean_Angle | 3.3923 |
rw | 0.952457 |
K | 1.03476 |
F_Statistic | 3.89983 |
Critical_F | 3.04912 |
T_Statistic | 3.42045 |
Critical_T | 2.07387 |
Note: the Watson-Williams test applies to data from a von Mises distribution where the different samples have the same dispersions. If these assumptions are invalid, you should consider using one of the non-parametric tests. See, for example Wheeler-Watson Test.



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