Suppose the input wave meansData consists of the following 9 circular means:
Mean Angle | Vector Length |
2.1496 | 1.31703 |
2.08947 | 1.08571 |
1.53258 | 0.912532 |
1.84505 | 0.821982 |
1.49443 | 0.91064 |
2.22017 | 1.14402 |
2.43167 | 1.07997 |
2.17959 | 0.904853 |
2.21432 | 1.02146 |
To perform a non-parametric second order analysis (H0: uniform distribution around the circle) execute the following command:
StatsCircularMeans/CI/T=1/NSOA meansData
n | 9 |
rBar | 0.977971 |
tBar | 2.04487 |
CI_t1 | 2.33663 |
CI_t2 | 1.66823 |
NSOA_Rp | 1.60638 |
NSOA_Critical | 1.05422 |
alpha | 0.05 |
As NSOA_Rp > NSOA_Critical H0 (uniform distribution) must be rejected.
To perform a parametric second order analysis (assumes that the second order quantities are taken from a bivariate normal distribution), execute the command:
StatsCircularMeans/T=1/CI/PSOA meansData
n | 9 |
rBar | 0.977971 |
tBar | 2.04487 |
CI_t1 | 2.33663 |
CI_t2 | 1.66823 |
PSOA_F | 216.986 |
PSOA_Critical | 4.73741 |
alpha | 0.05 |
Here again H0 of uniformly distributed data must be rejected.



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