These companies and consultants offer software development services for Igor Pro®-related projects.
They are independent of WaveMetrics and WaveMetrics does not vet or endorse them.
If you are a developer or consultant and would like to be added to this page, contact WaveMetrics support.
• byte physics
Experienced Igor Pro procedure/XOP programmer completes your projects on time and to your satisfaction.
Profit from more than 8 years of expertise with Igor Pro and numerous successfully finished projects.
Expertise includes:
- Development of easy to use yet feature-rich GUIs (example)
- Interfacing with hardware using RS-232/GPIB
- Procedure programming
- Customized XOP development in C/C++ (example)
- Multi-threaded code
- Igor-style and in code documentation
- Unit tests
Contact: www.byte-physics.de
• Richard C Gerkin
Software development using Igor Pro, including "Recording Artist", an electrophysiology and imaging package for Igor.
I am an assistant research professor at Arizona State University. I have a PhD in Neurobiology with ten years experience in patch clamp and extracellular recording in vitro and in vivo, and in the statistical analysis of neural data. Here is my faculty profile, my CV, and my Google Scholar profile.
I developed "Recording Artist" and other tools for my own experiments, and they are now in use in over a dozen labs around the world. References available upon request.
"Recording Artist" is available directly here, and includes a manual. I offer a paid license for technical consultation on use of this package.
I can also provide support for custom software development that extends this package or exists independently of it.
Contact: rgerkin@asu.edu



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