Supported Devices
The NIDAQ Tools MX package supports data acquisition devices from National Instruments, Inc. We do not support devices from other manufacturers.
It is difficult to give a definitive list of National Instruments boards that are supported because the NI product line is extensive and constantly changing. In general, NIDAQ Tools MX supports devices that are supported by the NI-DAQmx driver, with the exception of RT "real-time" series, and the FPGA or RIO devices.
Note that we do not sell the hardware. You must buy you DAQ device from National Instruments.
NIDAQ Tools MX does not support IEEE-488 (GPIB) instruments. The Igor Pro® installation includes a free plug-in called NIGPIB2.xop that communicates with a National Instruments IEEE-488 controller.
You must install the National Instruments NI-DAQmx driver v. 8.0 or later. As NI-DAQmx is only available for Windows, we cannot make NIDAQ Tools MX available on Macintosh.
Devices we do not support
Real Time RT series of devices.
The 5000-series digitizer devices that use the NI-SCOPE driver.
The FPGA or RIO devices.



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Igor NIDAQ Tools MX
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