"Data analysis" derives meaning or significance from raw data: it answers questions like "how much?", "how high?", or "how often?". Since Igor Pro® aims to serve a wide range of disciplines, it provides many analysis capabilities to choose from. We present them here in our somewhat arbitrary categories:
- Curve Fitting
- Linear and non-linear fits
- Built-in and user-defined functions
- Multi-variate fits involving unlimited independent variables
- Peak Analysis
- Peak and level-crossing detection
- Fitting multiple overlapping peaks
- Baseline removal
- Signal Processing
- Multi-dimensional mixed-radix FFT, wavelet, Hough transforms
- Integration and differentiation of data
- Convolution and correlation
- Smoothing and filtering
- Statistics
- Descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation and higher central moments
- Statistical Tests
- Probability Distribution Functions, Cumulative Distribution Functions and Inverse CDFs
- Histograms, Sorting, Resampling, Correlations and Linear Regression
See Also:



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