crash while executing copy


Has anyone run into a problem that whenever the "copy" is executed at a display window, the Igor crashes. I have the 6.2B version.


Hello Tina,

IGOR should never crash. If you experience a crash you should report it to Please give us as much information as possible so that we can recreate the problem here. It would be useful to know on which OS you are working and exactly what you were doing when it happened.

WaveMetrics, Inc.
I think the problem is related to your printer driver.

Another symptom is crashing while loading help files at launch time.

We recently had reports of problems with people using an HP Color LaserJet CP2020 series printer. Specifically they were using an HP 2025DN. The problem may affect other HP printers.

HP has two different families of drivers, what they call "print drivers" and "universal print drivers". The problem occurs with the regular drivers but not with the universal drivers.

We attempted to work with HP to get to the bottom of this but they provided no useful help.

A short-term solution is to set a different printer as your default printer.

The long-term solution is to install the HP Universal printer driver which is available here:

HP Universal PostScript Driver

If you prefer, you can install the Universal PCL 6 driver from:

HP Universal PCL Driver

After installing the universal driver, your default printer should be using the universal driver, not the regular driver. This should fix the problem.