Dumb Question

Hi all. I just finished a simple area function and I want to test it to check for aesthetics.

I was told to type this into the command window:
•make/o/n=100 test
•SetScale/P x 21,0.5,"", test
•display test
•print CalcArea(test)
•Rename wave0,ywave;

....except instead of testing (1000-20*x + 10*x^2) I would like to test a wave that I threw together.
I just had an X column (labeled 'ywave') spaced at regular 5nm intervals, and on the Y column I threw in random values and labeled that column 'Intensity'. What would I have to change in the above snippet to make th appropriate changes?

Kramer51 wrote:
... What would I have to change in the above snippet to make th appropriate changes?


Since your data is spaced at regular 5nm intervals, you need not include an "x" column. Just create or modify your Intensity wave to be a scaled wave. You might review the basics of the SetScale operation for further help on this. You can also easily change the scaling of a wave through the appropriate menu (Data:Change Wave Scaling).

J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH