exporting images in a loop

Dear all,

i'm just a newbie in Igor scripting, therefore my question might be too simple, sorry for that in advance.. in the script i generate some dozens of images (50-100) and save all of them as jpegs or gifs using a simple code like


everything works, however, for each single image i get the "write JPG as..." window popping up, really annoying and most time consuming thing. Is there a way of avoiding this? Could not find it in manuals

Thanks in advance....
You need to provide the location to save to and if that's valid, Igor won't put up a dialog asking you to select a location. You can do that by providing a full path like this:
SavePICT/E=-6 as "C:Users:a000796:Documents:Pictures:image46.jpg"

or by providing an Igor path with the /P flag and then a file name like this:
NewPath picturePath, "C:Users:a000796:Documents:Pictures"
SavePICT/E=-6/P=picturePath as "image46.jpg"

In the second example, you only need to call NewPath once to set up the path (that is, call it outside of your loop).

If, after using one of these forms, you still get the dialog when SavePICT executes, then you are not specifying the path and/or file name correctly.

Note that you should use a colon as a path separator on both platforms.

Execute DisplayHelpTopic "Symbolic Paths" for more info on Igor symbolic paths.

BTW, please change the country in your profile (login and then go to http://www.igorexchange.com/user/2495/edit/Personal+Information) to something other than Spamville and put in something that at least looks legitimate for your name. We have a lot of spammers who register on the site and I delete their accounts periodically. Your account is likely to be deleted by accident since other than the fact that you posted a legitimate question, the rest of your account makes it look like you're a spammer :)
Thanks for your prompt help! will try it.

... also corrected the account data, sorry for that