FindEdge in 3d


is there a function similar to MatrixFilter-FindEdges working in 3D?


Hello Finn,

There is no extension of MatrixFilter (findEdges) to 3D.

Depending on your application you may want to consider a few other options:

1. You can use convolution methods that extend some of the 2D edge detection schemes to 3D. You will have to create a 3D wave to act as your convolution kernel and then use MatrixConvolve which supports 3D waves.

2. Compute edges through derivatives. One way of computing the derivatives is via the Fourier Transform (see, e.g.,

3. If you are trying to identify 3D structures you might want to check out ImageSeedFill which has a special extension for 3D analysis.

I hope this helps,

WaveMetrics, Inc.
Thank you, I think point 3 fits best to what I was looking for.

Cheers, Finn