Gizmo bold axes

I am using Gizmo in order to make a 3D scatter plot of data. While I was rotating labels and reordering data, I accidently unbolded all of the labels on all axes. While it looks fine, I cannot recreate the same graph, nor can I seem to rebold the text. I looked through the prenamed axes0 object, but there are no parameters which change all of the text of the graph to or from bold. I can change the font and the size, but these parameters are identical for both graphs. Does anyone have any ideas? It seems to be a simply issue, but I have spent too much time on trying to fix the problem. Ideally, the unbolded is what I am looking for.

Thank you for your help,
-L. Riley
Hello Leah,

Now to change the appearance of axis labels (under Windows):

Double-click on axes0 object in the Display List
Choose Axis Labels tab
Select the appropriate axis from the Axis popup.
From the Font popup menu choose, for example, "Arial Black"
Click OK

I hope this helps,

WaveMetrics, Inc.