Handling .l type wave data


I have a 1D wave (wave1) that contains two columns-  wave1.l and wave1.d.

I cannot figure out how to copy the wave1.l text data into a separate 1D text wave by writing code.  Manually it's a plain copy-paste thing. 

If I say, duplicate/o wave1, newwave, this copies the number part i.e. wave1.d into a new wave. 

However, if I say,  duplicate/o wave1.l, newwave,  it just throws error. 

Kindly advise. 





The .i is the label for the row/column/layer/chunk.  I often use row labels to store data since I can use it for text data that a normal two column wave won't take.  To get access to the values use:

GetDimLabel(waveName, dimNumber, dimIndex )
The GetDimLabel function returns a string containing the label for the given dimension or dimension element.
dimNumber  is one of the following:
0:    Rows.
1:    Columns.
2:    Layers.
3:    Chunks.

