How convert line ending ?

I use Igor on a macintosh and need to generate a textfile which needs to be interpreted by a program that runs under windows (using crossover). This program chokes on the macintosh carriage return. How can I replace the CR with the carriage return/linefeed of the windows world ?
If you save your text file using the Data/Save Waves/Save General Text or Save Deliminted Text menu items, there is a drop down box labeled "Terminator". Select CRLF for carriage return/linefeed line terminator. If you used the Save command, setting the /M flag to "\r\n" (ie, /M="\r\n") will set line terminator to CRLF.
Thanks a lot.

This solution will probably work, but in my case it would be somehow a little bit indirect (sorry for not having been more specific in the first place). Currently I am reading lines in with Freadline and get them out by fprintf. Is there any code for the CRLF I could just attach ?
Yes, you can include \r\n in your fprintf specification; just end the specification with \r\n. Take a look at printf for details.
Thank you jtigor,

This was the piece of information I was looking for. Now, I can directly interact with Igor (version Mac) and the windows software.