How to prevent Curve Fit Window from displaying?

I have a macro that performs a curve fit (exp_XOffset) on a range of a 1D wave, and I use one of the coefficients from that fit later in the macro. During the curve fit, a curve fit window displays. I use the /Q and /N flags to prevent the curve fit results from being displayed in the history and to suppress updates during the fit. However, I would like to prevent the curve fit window from being displayed at all, as I typically run 50K waves through the macro during a data run, and the curve fit window flashes on and off during processing. This has to be affecting my run time, so I would like to turn off the window (or suppress the window from being displayed, or whatever workaround will speed things up).

This is the curve fit command I currently use:

CurveFit/Q/N/NTHR=0 exp_XOffset, CoincidencesWave[PulseLoc,PulseStopLoc]


Ahh.. I just discovered the following:

Variable/g V_fitoptions=4

This did the trick.