How to save control panel?

Can someone please tell me how to save a Control Panel?  I've saved the procedures that are launched by saving the procedure file, but am having trouble figuring out how to save the control panel itself (with the buttons, layout, etc.). Under File... there is a "Save Panel Copy" but it doesn't seem to do anything (no dialog, etc.).   (using Igor 8.0.4 for Mac). 


What exactly do you want to save? I think the panel can only exist inside Igor. You can save the experiment file and the panel will reappear when the file is reopened. You could save a recreation macro which will (attempt to) build the panel in a different Igor session if executed. Right click on the panel and select 'Form Recreation Macro' which you will find in the procedure window (ctrl+m). If you want an image of the control panel you can just copy the panel when highlighted (ctrl+c) and then copy into another application (ctrl+v). Or do you want to save the just panel separately similar to the 'Save Graph Copy' functionality? I have actually never noticed the "Save Panel Copy" option. It seems this should save a file with only the necessary data for the panel. If it does nothing this could mean its a bug. The fastest way to resolve bugs is to write the Wavemetrics support directly.


In general a panel, like any other window (table, graph,) can be saved to a recreation macro.  Most times this happens when you close the window and are prompted if you want to save it. Clicking yes will create a macro that can be called by going to window>Panel Macros>Panel_macro_name.  You can force the the saving of the macro by Window>Control>Window Control (or cmd-Y on the Mac).

Note: If you are modifying a panel that was created with the special flag /K=1 in the NewPanel command then the close window button will not show a save dialog window.


In reply to by chozo

Thank you.  I have been using the same "experiment" for a range of image-processing applications and the size has grown enormously (> 6 GB) as I have created and deleted many waves. It seems like Igor's memory allocation process doesn't always recover space when waves are deleted, so I'm trying to create a "fresh" experiment with only the procedures and control panel.  I'll try the recreation macro- it seems like that would be perfect.  thanks much!