Igor9 and Neuromatic

Hi there,

I am an enthusiastic user of Neuromatic (https://www.wavemetrics.com/case-study/neuromatic   &   http://www.neuromatic.thinkrandom.com/), which - at the moment - apparently does not work in Igor 9. Does anyone experience the same issue when trying to work with Neuromatic in the latest release of Igor? Any ideas to make this work?


Any help is greatly appreciated.





Contact the author about specific "does not work" issues you find with Neuromatic and Igor 9.

I know only that the Neuromatic procedures do compile successfully.

And the Neuromatic ->Demo menu item does something that could be right or wrong for all I know about the subject.


Thanks. In the very latest version, the author has fixed these issues. Kudos to Jason...