Loading Excel 2007 (.xlsx) worksheet into Igor Waves


.xlsx files (generated by Excel 2007) seems not to be recognized by Igor 6.1
Even if there's no question in your post, I would recommend to export them in delimited text. It works perfectly for me. I don't understand why Windows keeps changing their Office file format...

Best regards
G. Papon

jgoutail wrote:

.xlsx files (generated by Excel 2007) seems not to be recognized by Igor 6.1

You are correct. Igor can't load .xlsx Excel files, just .xls files.

You can set the default file format in Excel to .xls.

jgoutail wrote:

.xlsx files (generated by Excel 2007) seems not to be recognized by Igor 6.1

It should be reasonably easy to engineer a solution to read XLSX files, depending on what you need to do. If all you are looking to do is extract contiguous values, then that is very easy if you have a little IGOR-fu and XPath-fu

Steps to take:
1) Install the ZIP and XMLutils XOPs.
2) Using the CopyFile operation copy the "myfile.xlsx" file to "myfile.zip".
3) Using the ZIP XOP unzip myfile.zip into a temporary file on your HDD (e.g. SpecialDirPath)
4) Using XMLutils open the Workbook1/xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml file. (assuming "Workbook1.xlsx" and the sheet is called sheet1).
5) Use XMLwavefmXpath to import all the values into an IGOR wave (XML knowledge required here)
6) Close the XML file and trash the copied files/folders.

If you have knowledge of ZIP.xop and XMLutils.xop it will take about ~2 hours to do this.

Igor Pro 6.20B03 adds the ability to load .xlsx files using Data->Load Waves->Load Excel File.

If you are running Igor Pro 6.00 or later you can update to 6.20B03 by choosing Help->Updates for Igor.

If you are running a version of Igor earlier than 6.00 you much purchase an upgrade.
Is there any special setting I need to use for reading xlsx?

I am using Igor 6.2.2. with WinXP Pro and Igor crashes repeatedly when I try to read .xlsx

When I take the spreadsheet I want to read and save it as xls in compatibility mode it works perfectly, but not with the xlsx

Could size be an issue?
The spreadsheet has one worksheet only but is has close to 3000 lines and 92 columns.

I should have added this before, I use the following command:

XLLoadWave/O/Q/S="Sheet1"/C=4/W=1/D filename

I am using Igor 6.2.2. with WinXP Pro and Igor crashes repeatedly when I try to read .xlsx

This is probably a bug in the XLLoadWave XOP. Please send the .xlsx file to WaveMetrics support and we will investigate.