Open Folder Dialog?

Hi all!

Is there a way to get a dialog similar to the open file dialog, just that the user can select a folder instead of a file?
I am asking the user for a location to save multiple files of auto-generated names. It would be quite unhandy if the user had to type in some file name in the save file dialog when i just need a folder...

Thanks for your help!
OK, thank you for that hint.

But I'd like to have a dialog where the user can browse to the folder he wants to use. Simple asking for a path is no problem even without the newpath operation.

Is there really no other choice?
Use NewPath without a path value (just the path name), and you *will* get a dialog where the user can choose a folder:

newpath/O pathUserSelected
  path: "C:Users:Jim:Documents:"

See the attached screen capture.

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
Oh I am so blind!
Big excuse, I did not read the NewPath documentation properly!

Thank you!
When using newpath without a specific path given, is there some way to control the starting folder from which the search initializes? Igor seems to remember the last path I used and automatically sends me there, I would much rather be able to control this so I could set it to my main data folder, for example...