plotting colour by another component using gizmo plots

If I create a triplet wave of (x,y,z) components, for example, say of latitude, longitude and altitude for an an aircraft flight, and obtain a scatter plot in gizmo, is there a way to colour the resulting scatter plot by another component, for example, say by the concentration of a chemical species that the aircraft measured along the flight path?

many thanks
Hello AJH,

You can create a color wave of your choice and supply the RGBA values for each scatter point in your graph. To do so you need to create a 4 column wave that has as many rows as your scatter points. Then proceed to assign the RGBA values. Normally set the Alpha to 1 and the remaining RGB components to values between 0 and 1.

If you just have a 1D wave representing some scale that you want to code into the color of the scatter then execute the command:

ModifyGizmo makeTripletColorWave = {your1DWave, ctabName, 0 }

where ctabName is the name of any one of the built-in color tables. This command creates for you an appropriate RGBA wave that you can then select in the scatter dialog as the color wave.

I hope this helps,

WaveMetrics, Inc.

Hi all,

I'm wondering something about IGOR.
I plotted a scatter plot with a wave color as you suggested just above.
When I try to plot the colorscale I've got a lot of problems.

1. the colors on the colorscale are not matching all the colors plotted in the graph
2. the tick label are not linked with my wave that I used to create the wave color.

Any idea to help me find out what is the problem ?


Igor wrote:
Hello AJH,

You can create a color wave of your choice and supply the RGBA values for each scatter point in your graph. To do so you need to create a 4 column wave that has as many rows as your scatter points. Then proceed to assign the RGBA values. Normally set the Alpha to 1 and the remaining RGB components to values between 0 and 1.

If you just have a 1D wave representing some scale that you want to code into the color of the scatter then execute the command:

ModifyGizmo makeTripletColorWave = {your1DWave, ctabName, 0 }

where ctabName is the name of any one of the built-in color tables. This command creates for you an appropriate RGBA wave that you can then select in the scatter dialog as the color wave.

I hope this helps,

WaveMetrics, Inc.

s.crumeyrolle wrote:
When I try to plot the colorscale I've got a lot of problems.

1. the colors on the colorscale are not matching all the colors plotted in the graph
2. the tick label are not linked with my wave that I used to create the wave color.

Hello Suzanne,

I suspect your question has not received much attention because it is unclear what problems you are experiencing. You may want to rephrase your question, perhaps including some annotated pictures, to explain just what you mean.