Plotting multiple Graphs


I'm new to the forum, so if this question has been asked before, I apologize. I would like to know if it is possible to plot multiple graphs from either 1) Excel sheets or 2) Excel files at once. I am trying to plot a 1000 ms waveform for a subset of electrodes. I know how to load the data in for one electrode, and I know how to capture graph preferences so that I don't have to format each new graph. However, I was wondering if there was a way to create multiple separate graphs at the same time.

Many thanks.
Execute this to get to a section of the help that, I think, addresses your question:
DisplayHelpTopic "Loading and Graphing Waveform Data"

Read that section and then next two sections. The third one is "Loading All of the Files in a Folder" which shows how to load a bunch of files and create a bunch of graphs. You may be able to adapt it for your purposes.