polar graph:: New package

after installed the newest version 9.03 of igor pro.
I tried to build a new polar graph or updata the older polar that I made before.
I recalled the polar graph panel.
some troubles I met::
1; if I want to draw new one through the "new polar setting from", I choose the pre-exist one, click "new polar graph". it reports "layer not available".
2; in the "append to polargraph" part; the option operation failed.
Can you post an example experiment where that happens? Can you build a completely new polar graph without problems? If you think that this is a bug with the new version you could also write directly to the support.
October 28, 2023 at 06:21 am - Permalink
Igor 9.04 (due out very soon) contains fixes for the 9.03 problem of "Use Polar Settings From" when creating new polar graphs from existing 9.02 or earlier graphs.
I have removed the temporary fixes in favor of having people update to 9.04.
October 28, 2023 at 02:52 pm - Permalink
thank you all.
October 29, 2023 at 06:42 am - Permalink