Problem saving data to a new HDF5 file


I am having some problems while creating and saving waves into an HDF5. The code I have works for most of the files but for some I see the following error 'While executing HDF5SaveData, H5Dwrite failed. (HDF5 Library Error -1)' when I am trying to save a wave (called GCMS) as a dataset into an HDF5 file (called O3P0001.h5, the path is defined in an early section fo the code) that I have created. I am not sure what this error means. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The relevant code I have is below:

HDF5CreateFile/P=path/O tempVar as O3P0001.h5
HDF5SaveData GCMS, tempVar
HDF5CloseFile tempVar


In order to investigate I will need to reproduce it. Please create an Igor experiment, simplified as much as possible, that illustrates the problem, and send it to WaveMetrics support, along with your Igor version, OS version, and Igor serial number.

Thanks for your response. While preparing a simplified experiment I was not able to reproduce the error so I am thinking I may have a corrupt experiment as I can no longer save the experiment file that gave me the original error. I now see the following error when I try to save: ''Windows OS error of an unknown nature. (Windows OS error code: 1816)". I am running windows 7 and IGOR 6.37.


Windows error code 1818 is ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA, "Not enough quota is available to process this command".

This sounds like a low-level I/O error that, translated into English, means "your system is messed up, time to reboot".

You can try saving any procedure files that you worked on and now can't save as standalone files using File->Save Procedure As. If that does not work, you can try copy/paste to Notepad.

Then restart your machine.