Problems printing procedure files from Igor 7

When I print procedure files from Igor, I either get empty pages or incorrect margins. Printing works fine from Igor 6. Has anyone else noticed problems printing procedure files from Igor 7? Is this a known bug?

I'm attaching examples showing "HDF5 Browser.ipf" printed to PDF from Igor and Igor, both with Windows 7.
Printing example Igor6.3.7.2 Windows7 procedure file with 0.5-in margins.pdf Printing example Igor7.0.1.1 Windows7 procedure file with 0.5-in margins.pdf
I get similar results using Microsoft PDF driver on Win10. But printing to an actual printer or using CutePDF works.

And, I now find that going to print preview and then printing from that with Microsoft PDF works.

So, for now, that is a workaround. I don't know when I will be able to fix this as I will be out of town for a few weeks.

Larry Hutchinson