Start NewPath dialog in specific directory

The NewPath operation doesn't permit setting a specific directory starting location for the dialog that opens when a path is not specified.  Maybe this should be a wish list item, but in the meantime is there a workaround?



Apologies... I should have done my IgorExchange search first...  looks like this can be handled with



Related question: Is there a way to determine where a NewPath dialog will open if PathInfo/S hasn't been specified?

Without the /S PathInfo returns the path to the named symbolic folder in S_path.

If you execute something like

NewPath testPath

the Pick a Folder dialog will open at some point in the directory tree.  Is there a programmatic way to determine where that would be?

Just that new users reading this thread don't get confused: It is, as hinted above, possible to open a folder dialog with a specific path pre-set by calling NewPath twice and PathInfo/S in-between like so...

NewPath/O/Q Path, StringOfPathToPointAtByDefault
PathInfo/S Path
NewPath/O/Q Path

And as Howard mentioned, there is no one-line command using only NewPath to do this.