to andyfaff, Contin (Inverse Laplace Transform) should be included in IgorPro

andyfaff wrote:

I suppose it could depend on what you want to do with it. I'm very sceptical about the application of contin for dynamic light scattering applications. I reckon fitting a generalized exponential distribution (gex) is a much better idea. There is code for that on igorexchange.
If you need it for something else then 1) the fortran code could be translated to Igor b) one could use f2c to make an xop.

Dear Andrew,
I think, that the use of contin in dynamic light scattering applications is very normal.
Nevertheless, I am not a programmer, I also could not find the gex code on igorexchange. So please can you provide me with it, or
what would be much better, please can you compile the fortran code into igor one's? A lot of scientists would be very happy, because
inverse laplace transform is not implemented yet in any data plotting programms.

Best wishes
Hi Sven,

Have you sucessfully complete your task, running contin on a mac? I' m with the same problem for the same reasons...

Thanks for any help!

No, I could not find anybody.
So, I think there is still need for a solution for the implementation of Contin code in Igor.