Simplified XOP instruction

Create a simplified instruction for including other mfg "C" code into a new IGOR XOP.

There are many modules written in C which are useful, but unavailable in IGOR
These modules, often for external DAQs, usually require 1 command from their library and a simple parameter list as inputs.

Please, please consider a simple XOP howto instruction for such cases
The content in the XOP manual is diffuse and overwhelming (178 pgs) for these simple tasks.
It is easier to give up and use a different platform such as Labview.

IGOR is a great platform which can do more, a 5 page instruction with a specific XOP template/s would really help users to expand IGOR for their particular needs.
In general the instructions are:

  • #include the driver header file

  • Add the driver .lib file to your project

  • Call the driver code from your code

Beyond that it is highly-dependent on the details of the driver and what you want to do with it.

The NIGPIB XOP is an example.

If you want help with your specific project post a new subject with details in the General forum on IgorExchange and I will try to give you some guidance.

The content in the XOP manual is diffuse and overwhelming (178 pgs) for these simple tasks.

To start, if you have not already done it, read Chapter 1 and then do the guided tour in Chapter 2. Next decide if you want to add an operation or a function. Then read either Chapter 5 (operation) or Chapter 6 (function). Then read one of the sample XOPs.

BTW, it's usually best if you post only on IgorExchange or only on the Igor mailing list so we don't have to answer twice.