IgorExchange beta release

New Features:
- Code snippets: Code snippets are short pieces of code, often a single function, that serve a simple and specific purpose. If you have some code to share with others but you don't think it's enough to merit a project, create a code snippet instead. You can browse code snippets by the category attached to the snippet or use the search box at the top of any page to search all content on the site, which includes code snippets.
- Projects and releases now display download counts: Individual projects and their releases now indicate the number of times that they have been downloaded by users.
- Improved project browsing: We've reformatted the project browsing page to use tag clouds which display the various categories using font sizes that are representative of the number of projects in that category. In addition, we've added another way to browse projects called Advanced browse. Advanced browsing allows you to sort projects by various attributes including project name, author, category, time when the project was last updated, user rating, and OS. You can also filter the projects displayed so that only projects in a certain category or OS are displayed.
- Improved documentation section: We've added a new top level section for code snippets and have also added a Miscellaneous section, which currently contains a description of the various Site navigation elements and a Useful resources page with links to various web sites and tools that may be useful to Igor Pro users and programmers.
- Forum post editing: Users can now edit forum posts they have created. Previously only the first post in a topic was available for editing. Now, both the original post and all comments (replies) may be edited by the user who created the post/reply. Just click the edit button within the post/comment. Comments that have been edited will have a footer with the time the comment was last edited.
- Mark all as read button for forums: When viewing lists of content, such as the New forum posts page, posts that have been created but which you have not viewed are indicated with a "new" tag. The forums listing page now has a "Mark all forums read" and individual forum topic listing pages have a "Mark all topics read" button. We are working to add a similar feature to the tracker pages (such as the New forum posts and All recent activity pages.
- Home page changes: The IgorExchange home page now has new lists of the highest ranked projects and most recent forum posts. These should make it even easier to keep updated with new content on the site.
Bugs fixed:
- Layout change: Some content/pages were wider than the central content section and flowed under the navigation sidebar which was previously on the right side of the page. We've moved that to the left side so that now wide content just expands to the width of the browser window.
- Code syntax highlighting fixed: A bug in the syntax highlighting filter caused some code containing < and > characters to be modified inappropriately. For example, text entered as
#include <MyFile>
would display as#include
. This happened primarily in the code snippets section. - Project releases: Several users had difficulties creating multiple project releases and/or having these multiple releases show up in the table of available releases on the project page.
- Navigation and login issues: Several users have reported strange problems with the navigation block not appearing on all pages and/or appearing to be logged in when the user has logged out. We have had difficulty reproducing some of these reports, but have made a few changes in session management that should fix the problems. If you continue to see these or similar problems, please contact us.