How to change thickness of lines in figure legend?

I have a legend that shows, as legends usually do, samples of 3 traces in a graph in their respective colors. I would like to make the trace fragments in the legend thicker. I tried increasing the font size just before the dynamic text for the trace sample, but that did not work. Is it possible to change this line thickness? The traces are "line between markers", thickness auto. The code for this legend is below. I am attaching a screenshot of the legend.

\s(velF) Cond: O
\s(velF#1) Cond: D
\s(velF#2) Cond: V

Screenshot of legend, showing 3 line segments in black, grey, blue, with text next to each one

Hi, If you use the Legend command, you can specify this with the /H flag. For example:


This will make lines in the legend that are 10 wide and have a min and max thickness of 2 and 5.




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