Gizmo: Display of disk of an oblate spheroid

Hi Igorians,


I have found the disk around a spheroid can not be displayed in contrast to disks around a sphere.

I wish to create a gizmo plot of a hyperthetical planet with rings so I started with the “gizmoSphere” example. By typing a few commands like:

AppendToGizmo/D disk={1.5,1.7,100,5,0,360}

I was able to produce multiple rings surrounding the sphere as shown in the attached picture.


Then I change the sphere to an oblate spheroid by setting a=b=1.0 and c=0.8: (   

Variable a=1.0, c=0.8
AppendToGizmo/D disk={1.5,1.7,100,5,0,360}

The spheroid and rings are still displayed fine, though igor auto scales z-axis from -0.6 to +0.6 so the spheroid looks like a sphere.

In order to better display the oblate spheroid, I manually set the Z-Direction Min Value and Max Value to -1 and +1 through “gizmo axis range”. Now the ring(s) can no longer be displayed. How to fix this? 

igp 8.02,

Mac OS 10.13.6

Thank you.



Rings surrounding a sphere

There are many ways to accomplish this.  For example, instead of setting the outer box add a scale operation to the display list right above the sphere object and have different scaling in the X, Y and Z components.  Draw the sphere AFTER you draw the rings.




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