
Provide a panel to perform the following 2 groups and multiple groups statistical analysis:

Mean +/- sem, normality test, variance test, cohen's D effect size
*Two groups: (paired) t-test, K-S Test, Wilcoxon Rank Test
*Three groups: ANOVA, Dunnette, Tukey

To select multiple waves hold Ctrl key when click wavenames


Project Details

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Current Project Release

MultiGroups_stats_panel IGOR.6.30.x-0.21

Release File: MultiGroups_stats_panel.ipf (8.93 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.30.x-0.21
Version Date:
Version Major: 0
Version Patch Level: 21
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
Release Notes: Provide a panel to perform the following 2 groups and multiple groups statistical analysis
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