Package Tools

This package is to provide a standardized way for developers to manage packages that they distribute to others. In particular, this package sets up key information about the package in a way that it remains resident in the experiment. It also provides a standardized way to query for help and other information about a package as well as to remove a package.Features
The package provides the following set of functions:Global
Set up a package.
- name: name of package
- folder: storage in root:Packages:folder (default is root:Packages:name)
- file: source originates in the given file
- info, author, version: information, author, and version number
- hasHelp: 0-no, 1-yes
- removable: 0-no, 1-yes, NaN (non-existent key)-standard removal not supported
- quiet: 0-no report in history; 1-report of setup in history (default)
Update a package.
Displays the help file (if it exists) for the package (equivalent to DisplayHelpTopic name). Otherwise, shows alert that help file is not included. The optional key=keystring can be used to show the given keystring information (if it exists), where keystring is one of the options give under PackageSetup, as in PackageHelp("PackageTools",key="author").
Removes the package (without query or report in history when quiet=1, default is quiet=0).
Returns 1 if a package has been set up by PackageTools or 0 if not. Also sets a flag V_exists to same value.
Lists all the package tool information.
Shows a log file recording setup, update, or removal information.
Returns as a string the key value for the named package.
Returns as a DFREF the location of the package folder for the named package (to the given folder level).
Distribution Details
- Experiments: none
- Procedure Files: PackageTools.ipf
- XOPS: none
- Demos: none
- Requires Packages: NONE
- Help Files: none
- Documentation: the Web pages for this project, an example package header, and an example package setup function
User Notes
You SHOULD put an alias (shortcut) to this procedure in the Igor Procedures folder to make full use of all of its features. The procedure includes a hook function that is used to update itself. See also here for a Code Snippet showing how to make use of such a feature in your own package.Project Details
Project CVS: | http://svn.igorexchange.com/viewvc/packages/PackageTools/ |
Current Project Release
PackageTools IGOR.6.20.x-1.x-dev
Release File: | PackageTools-IGOR.6.20.x-1.x-dev.zip (277.5 KB) |
Version: | IGOR.6.20.x-1.x-dev |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 1 |
Version Extra: | dev |
OS Compatibility: | Mac-Intel Windows |
Release Notes: |
OverviewThis is the nightly development release for all 6.20-1.x versions. If this notice appears, the release version has newer updates than the official version. View the snapshot notices here. All notices that say PackageTools: branch 6.20-1 <- working copy indicate updates to the development release. |



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