Time-Frequency Toolkit

Graphical user interface for time-frequency decomposition of a signal. Future development will include multiple GUIs for time series manipulation and analysis - hence the "Toolkit" designation.


Interpolation and smoothing of XY or waveform data

Methods available: Linear interpolation, Cubic Spline, Loess, Gaussian, running Median, running Mean

Time-frequency decomposition

Methods available: Gaussian Wigner Transform, Continuous Wavelet Transform, Evolutive FFT

Spectral estimates

Methods available: Periodogram, Welch (overlapping segments), Blackman-Tukey (FFT of truncated correlogram), Multi-Taper Method

Confidence level

Comparison of spectral estimate to Red or White noise expectation.

Fully extensible

Users can write wrapper functions to include other analysis methods or to overlay related functionality.


TF Plot screen preview

Project Details

Current Project Release

TFPlot IGOR.6.10.x-1.x-dev

Release File: TFPlot-IGOR.6.10.x-1.x-dev.zip (582.03 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.10.x-1.x-dev
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Extra: dev
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Development branch for new features.
Compatible only with Igor 6.10 - main feature that requires Igor 6.10 is implementation as an independent module.

Because of the independent module implementation, this version will not run in Igor 6.03. There may also be issues with previously created TFPlot windows: if these are unresponsive, close the window and recreate it.

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