A (Standard) Way to Get Help on and Remove Packages

As a suggestion for making this standard ... the package should follow a
few conventions as explained in CAPITAL LETTERS as DEFINED or OPTIONAL
MyPackage#Help() will show the help window for the package
MyPackage#RemoveMe() will remove the package named MyPackage
To use this, change all occurrances of the phrase "MyPackage" to the name of your package. Include your package functions in the section marked for them.
// OPTIONAL IGOR PRO INFORMATION #pragma rtGlobals=1 #pragma IgorVersion=6.10 // DEFINED PACKAGE INFORMATION // package name and version number // substitute the name of your package for "MyPackage" // also define a version number for your package #pragma ModuleName=MyPackage #pragma version=1.0 // OPTIONAL HIDE PARAMETER // hides your package from the procedure windows list // this parameter is not needed when your package is also an IndependentModule #pragma hide=1 // DEFINED PACKAGE STRING CONSTANTS // When you have none of these, you must still define them but set them blank // ie Static StrConstant theProcedureFile = "" // thePackage - name of your package // thePackageFolder - where you store your package values // theProcedureFile - the (main) procedure file associated with your package // hasHelp - 0: no help provided; 1 - help file (appropriately named by package name) is provided Static StrConstant thePackage="MyPackage" Static StrConstant thePackageFolder="root:Packages:MyPackage" Static StrConstant theProcedureFile = "MyPackage.ipf" Static Constant hasHelp = 1 // OPTIONAL LANGUAGE LOCALIZATION // Otherwise remove this and the next optional part #define English // OPTIONAL STRING CONSTANTS // example shown on how to use language localization // otherwise substitute an actual string for KillMeRequest in the RemoveMe() function #ifdef English Static StrConstant KillMeRequest="Do you really want to remove MyPackage?" #endif #ifdef Deutsch Static StrConstant KillMeRequest="Soll MyPackage wirklich entfernt werden?" #endif // START DEFINED PACKAGE FUNCTIONS // (start) put your definitions, includes, functions, macros, and other components in this section // (end) put your definitions, includes, functions, macros, and other components in this section // END DEFINED PACKAGE FUNCTIONS // DEFINED HELP FUNCTION // call with topic = "topic string" to get specific help on a particular topic string Static Function Help([topic]) string topic string HelpStr = "" if (!hasHelp) sprintf HelpStr, "NO HELP FOR PACKAGE %s!", thePackage DoAlert 0, HelpStr return 0 endif if (strlen(thePackage)!=0) if (ParamIsDefault(topic)) DisplayHelpTopic/K=1 thePackage else sprintf HelpStr, "%s[%s]" thePackage, topic DisplayHelpTopic/K=1 HelpStr endif else DoAlert 0, "NO PACKAGE NAME FOR HELP!" return -1 endif return 0 end // DEFINED REMOVEME FUNCTION // Remove Me // quiet (optional): 0 (default) - prompt to remove; anything else - no prompt Static Function RemoveMe([quiet]) variable quiet if (ParamIsDefault(quiet) || (quiet == 0)) DoAlert 1, KillMeRequest if (V_flag == 2) return 0 endif endif if (strlen(thePackageFolder)!=0) KillDataFolder/Z $thePackageFolder endif string theCmd if (strlen(thePackage)!=0) sprintf theCmd "DELETEINCLUDE \"%s\"" thePackage Execute/P/Z/Q theCmd endif if (strlen(theProcedureFile)!=0) sprintf theCmd "CloseProc/NAME=\"%s\"" theProcedureFile Execute/P/Z/Q theCmd endif return 0 end



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thanks very much for this snippet!
I was about to write a standard package removal mechanism myself, but this is a great starting point.
Just two minor comments:
1) In the language part, the StrConstant construct requires a literal string, so one has to write something like:
2) The header of function lacks the definition of the optional topic parameter, thus we need:
Wolfgang Harneit
May 11, 2009 at 01:24 pm - Permalink
I wonder, should this coding perhaps be formalized into a modular package??? I am using it now as an ending in all my other packages.
What do you think?
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
May 12, 2009 at 05:18 pm - Permalink