How to resize Analysis/ Curve Fitting.. dialog window?

Dear all,

I have Igor Pro 5 on Win XP...I can resize any windows, but not Analysis / Curve Fitting dialog window.
Restarting, updating, re-installing, changing resolution did not help...

Can somebody help?

Thank you in advance!
Igor has several built in dialogs that cannot be resized, and it seems that this is one of them.


thanks for your reply..

Now I am really lost. I cannot resize the dialog and I simply cannot edit the fitting parameters...
Is there any ways around? Like to get a new version of Igor?
feygenson wrote:
I simply cannot edit the fitting parameters...

I'm not sure what you mean by that.

In the Edit Fit Function list, the Fit Coefficients and Independent Variables lists are scrollable as is the Fit Expression subwindow.

If you mean that the Fit Expression subwindow is too small to comfortably edit the function, you can edit it in the built-in procedure window (Windows->Procedure Windows->Procedure Window. Be careful not to change the comments because that's how the Curve Fitting dialog figures out what is what with the function.

hrodstein wrote:
feygenson wrote:
I simply cannot edit the fitting parameters...

I'm not sure what you mean by that.

In the Edit Fit Function list, the Fit Coefficients and Independent Variables lists are scrollable as is the Fit Expression subwindow.

This is my problem. For some funny reason I cannot scroll the list of fitting coefficients (like in the picture).
Thus, I was thinking that resizing of the window can help.
igor2.jpg (58.12 KB)
feygenson wrote:
Dear all,

I have Igor Pro 5 on Win XP...I can resize any windows, but not Analysis / Curve Fitting dialog window.
Restarting, updating, re-installing, changing resolution did not help...

Can somebody help?

Thank you in advance!

Seeing the screen shot, I see that your Curve Fitting dialog has gotten into a pathological state in which the dialog is too small for its contents. I don't know how it got that way.

Try this-
Find your Igor preferences folder. You will have to start from My Computer, open your main hard drive (usually C) and navigate to Documents and Settings\Application Data\WaveMetrics. You should find a folder Igor Pro 5. Drag that folder to someplace else, the desktop would be fine. Now re-start Igor.

If that solves the problem, tell me about by email to Please include a zipped copy of the Igor Pro 5 folder that you dragged to the desktop.

Also- what exact version of Igor are you using? The last of Igor Pro 5 was 5.05a.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.