How hard is it to develop XOPs (when you already have some C/C++ experience)?

* Does the Igor Pro XOP Toolkit support this compiler?
* Will the compiled code be as fast as what he has developed on his own (with multi-threading support)?
* What additional effort is needed to convert self-developed C/C++ code to an XOP (i.e. is it a "nuke and repave" effort or a "tweak around the edges" effort)?
* What additional effort is needed to create a Mac-based XOP along with the Windows-based XOP?
I would appreciate comments and insights from folks who know how to develop XOPs.
It does not support Borland. It does support MS Visual C++ and Apple's Xcode. An experienced programmer could probably make it work in Borland as the XOP Toolkit is a library like thousands of others.
An XOP is a DLL written in C or C++ code and works like any other DLL written in C or C++.
Mostly you would have to wrap the existing code in calls that interface with Igor. The programmer would need to read various chapters in the XOP Toolkit manual to learn how to create an external function or external operation, how to receive parameters from Igor and return results, how to access wave data, and so on.
If the XOP has no user interface or other OS dependencies then it is a matter of creating an Xcode project and recompiling in Xcode.
For further information including an link to the XOP manual, see http://www.wavemetrics.com/products/xoptoolkit/xoptoolkit.htm
December 31, 2014 at 11:48 am - Permalink
1. THe payback has got to be good to write an XOP. For fitfuncs it can be worth it, especially if it's expensive to calculate and you are using something like Gencurvefit. The reason being is that it's much harder to debug/maintain/develop. If you're looking for a 5% gain don't bother, if it's 50% gain it may be worth it. My fitfunc sped up by a factor of ~10-30 when I went to C.
2. You can thread inside XOP's, but doing it in a cross platform manner can be hard (pthread). I think that designing the XOP for IGOR threading adds an extra level of difficulty.
3. If you have to link with other libraries then there are extra issues. It may be difficult to cross compile those.
4. You have to make a 32/64 bit windows version and a 32 bit OS X version (lots of potential OS combinations).
5. Interfacing to existing C++ code is not necessarily difficult, it all depends on how complicated the interface presented to IGOR will be.
6. The installation issues are more complicated for XOP's.
If you PM me with further details I could advise you further.
January 1, 2015 at 03:44 am - Permalink
As a bit more background, my colleague has already developed a complete package (a Windows executable), however the graphics to it could be significantly improved. Based on what you both say, the better course at this point would simply be to export the data from the existing package to Igor Pro for graphing. Coding an application in an XOP may be something to try later down the line.
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
January 2, 2015 at 05:54 am - Permalink
To put it another way, Student 1 did his task in LabVIEW in less than a week. Student 2 needed a couple of months. Both were beginning C++ and beginning-to-intermediate Igor programmers.
The XOP manual states (accurately) that "In order to write an XOP you need to be very familiar with Igor concepts such as waves, command line operations, procedures and experiments. Writing a simple XOP that just adds an operation or function to Igor requires advanced-beginner to intermediate programming skills. If you have less experience, you will need more patience."
A trend in programming environments is the ability to call up different languages, as needed. LabVIEW can call Matlab and Scilab. Mathematica can call R. Python can call C and Fortran. In Igor, it comes up fairly regularly that one wants to do something that is too slow in Igor, or there is existing C code for a given application that one might want to use.
The question is, Why can't all this be easier?
John Bechhoefer
Department of Physics
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC, Canada
January 2, 2015 at 10:58 am - Permalink
To be fair, WM do provide lots of examples that one can springboard from. I started learning C when I wanted to write an XOP fit function, all I did was rename everything, change the innards slightly and it worked.
January 2, 2015 at 11:54 pm - Permalink
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
January 3, 2015 at 09:06 am - Permalink
- Use operations in your XOPs, boilerplate code can be generated with
. They are so much easier to use than XOP functions.- There is no igor-specific support for threads. I tend to use boost::thread in my projects. Remember to don't interact with igor from your internal threads.
I always found the example XOPs a good starting point on understanding on how to interface with Igor. Given bech's description on labview I beg to differ. Handling labview data structures inside C is far more complicated than handling igor waves inside C.
January 7, 2015 at 02:49 am - Permalink