Igor 6.34 is now shipping

WaveMetrics is now shipping IGOR Pro 6.34 (, which, among other things, adds a workaround for an Apple bug that causes cursors to appear invisible:
Macintosh: Added a "Use alternate cursors" checkbox to the Miscellaneous Settings dialog's Compatibility tab. Enable this if the crosshair, box with x, circle with plus, or question cursors are hard to see or disappear. The alternate cursors do not rely on inverting colors, which apparently isn't implemented correctly for some computers using Mac OS X 10.8 and later.
There are also bugfixes for the Windows version of Igor. Full Igor 6.34 Release Notes
Note: Igor 6.34 includes fixes made in Igor 6.33J, the Japanese-only version of Igor. Those changes are also described in the Release Notes.
IGOR Pro 6.34 is available as a free update to licensed users of the English version IGOR Pro 6.0 and later:
- Windows users of IGOR Pro 6.1, 6.2, or any 6.3 beta release should download the IGOR Pro 6.1 to 6.34 updater.
- Windows users of IGOR Pro 6.0 should run the IGOR Pro 6.34 installer after uninstalling IGOR Pro 6.0.
- Macintosh users of IGOR Pro 6.0, 6.1, or 6.2 should download the IGOR Pro 6.34 installer.
The price of a single-user IGOR Pro 6.3 license is $595 ($435 academic) plus shipping. See our multi-user pricing page for additional pricing and our our order pages to purchase upgrades from versions of IGOR Pro earlier than 6.0.
The Japanese version of Igor 6.34 from Hulinks will be released soon.