Analysis packages don't work

Hi all,

Today I encountered the following problem - I loaded wave and would like to do fitting using curve fitting, but an error appears:

"Procedures need to be compiled. You won't be able to use user-defined fit functions."

Then I tried to open packages in Analysis tab, but they don't work, Function Compilation Error appears with the following text:

"expected ';' or <cr>

Error in WMBatchCurveFitResults:plotResultsInsideGraph

TextBox /W=$(graph) /C/N=FitStatsText/F=0/A=LT errorMatrix[index]"

Please find attached mentioned errors.

How can I solve this problem?

Analysis_Packages_error Curve_fitting_error

I also tried to open File --> Example Experiments --> Curve Fitting --> Batch Curve Fitting Demo, and the Function Compilation Error arises. And the same error when trying to open Windows --> Packages --> Window Browser.

It is a bug in WMBatchCurveFitResults.ipf that has lain undetected for quite a while.

Please replace your copy with the one attached (you may need admin privileges).

You will find the offending file in Igor Pro 8 Folder\WaveMetrics Procedures\Analysis\Batch Curve Fitting

In reply to by JimProuty

JimProuty wrote:

It is a bug in WMBatchCurveFitResults.ipf that has lain undetected for quite a while.

Please replace your copy with the one attached (you may need admin privileges).

You will find the offending file in Igor Pro 8 Folder\WaveMetrics Procedures\Analysis\Batch Curve Fitting

Thank you very much! Now it works!




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