Window Desktops

The purpose of this package is to make it easy to create virtual desktops within Igor Pro. Windows can be assigned to specific desktops, and only windows assigned to the desktop that is currently selected will be displayed. This makes keeping tracking of lots of windows easier, as similar windows can be assigned to the same virtual desktop.


screen shot of ACL Window Desktops interface

Project Details

Project License:

Current Project Release

ACL_WindowDesktops IGOR.6.01.x-1.4

Release File: (33.81 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.01.x-1.4
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 4
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

New features:

  • Improved positioning of buttons on panel so that they don't overlap on Macintosh.

  • Added ability for user to set, via a new settings menu button and prompt, the number of desktop buttons to display on the panel.

  • Added ability to assign all assignable visible windows that are not assigned to the default desktop at once. Do this by holding the Shift key and clicking one of the buttons in the Assign row.

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