Project Releases

ACL_WindowDesktops IGOR.6.01.x-1.4

Release File: (33.81 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.01.x-1.4
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 4
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

New features:

  • Improved positioning of buttons on panel so that they don't overlap on Macintosh.

  • Added ability for user to set, via a new settings menu button and prompt, the number of desktop buttons to display on the panel.

  • Added ability to assign all assignable visible windows that are not assigned to the default desktop at once. Do this by holding the Shift key and clicking one of the buttons in the Assign row.


ACL_WindowDesktops IGOR.6.01.x-1.x-dev

Release File: (33.81 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.01.x-1.x-dev
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Extra: dev
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Development snapshot from HEAD (trunk) version of module. Snapshot is automatically packaged several times a day when new code is committed to the repository. Use this version to get the latest code, bug fixes, and features. The code in this version may be less stable and could be buggy.

ACL_WindowDesktops IGOR.6.01.x-1.3

Release File: (16.55 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.01.x-1.3
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 3
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:



  • #1029 by aclight: Provide a more useful error message when the user tries to assign a window that has no name, such as a procedure window, to desktop.

  • #1031 by aclight: Provide a clean way for other independent modules to access the number of the currently displayed desktop returned by the function GetDisplayedDesktop().





ACL_WindowDesktops IGOR.6.01.x-1.2

Release File: (16.08 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.01.x-1.2
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 2
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Made the following changes that affect users of the package:

  • Made it so that new windows will automatically be assigned to the current desktop, if one is selected.

  • When changing the currently displayed desktop, performance has been improved because only windows that need to be redrawn are now redrawn.

  • #576: Added code that forces the GraphBrowserPanel window (Graph Browser, provided by WM) to update when the virtual desktop currently displayed is changed. This will allow the Graph Browser to only display graphs on the current virtual desktop, assuming that the user has unchecked the "Are invisible" checkbox on the GraphBrowserPanel.



In addition the following changes were made that only affect developers who might want to write code that interacts with this package:



  • Reworked code a bit to provide a better API.



ACL_WindowDesktops IGOR.6.01.x-1.0

Release File: (15.83 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.01.x-1.0
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 0
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

This is the initial release of Window Desktops. It has been tested on Windows and Mac OSX and seems to work fine on both platforms.




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