Fit And Graph a List of XY Pairs

#pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method. // Example: // Make/O/N=5 xWave0=p, yWave0=gnoise(1) // Make/O/N=5 xWave1=p, yWave1=gnoise(1) // String xWaveList = "xWave0;xWave1;" // String yWaveList = "yWave0;yWave1;" // FitAndGraphAllXYPairs(xWaveList, yWaveList) Function FitAndGraphXYPair(xWave, yWave) Wave xWave Wave yWave Display yWave vs xWave ModifyGraph mode=3,marker=19,rgb=(0,0,65535) // Round blue markers DoUpdate CurveFit /TBOX=256 line yWave /X=xWave /D String textboxName = "CF_" + NameOfWave(yWave) String text // Append Rab - the correlation between the intercept (a) and the slope (b) sprintf text, "V_Rab = %g", V_Rab AppendText /N=$textboxName text return 0 // Signifies success. End Function FitAndGraphAllXYPairs(xWaveList, yWaveList) String xWaveList // Semicolon-separated list String yWaveList // Semicolon-separated list String graphName Variable index, numXYPairs numXYPairs = ItemsInList(xWaveList) if (numXYPairs != ItemsInList(yWaveList)) DoAlert 0, "The number of X waves must equal the number of Y waves." return -1 endif for(index=0; index<numXYPairs; index+=1) String xWaveName = StringFromList(index, xWaveList) Wave xWave = $xWaveName String yWaveName = StringFromList(index, yWaveList) Wave yWave = $yWaveName FitAndGraphXYPair(xWave, yWave) endfor return 0 End



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