Git settings for Igor Pro code

Local git settings:

# matching tab width convention for diff/log etc.

git config core.pager "less -x5"

# better readable diff output

[diff "igorpro"]

xfuncname = "^([[:space:]]*(.*[Ff]unction|Macro|Window|Proc|Structure).*)$"








.git* export-ignore

*.ipf diff=igorpro

# git diff --check should output something useful

*.ipf whitespace=indent-with-non-tab,tabwidth=4,trail,space

# mark files as binary
# you can also add -delta if you regularly
# commit large files of these types
*.ibw binary
*.xop binary
*.pxp binary
*.pxt binary
*.uxp binary
*.uxt binary
*.ihf binary
*.ifn binary
*.ift binary

# automatic end of line normalization
*.ipf eol=lf
.gitignore clarification please: I would like to start using Git to track development of my Igor code so these settings seem helpful; however, I do not understand what is specified here in the .gitignore file. I cannot find any info about file extensions containing “ipfT”.
.gitignore clarification please: I would like to start using Git to track development of my Igor code so these settings seem helpful; however, I do not understand what is specified here in the .gitignore file. I cannot find any info about file extensions containing “ipfT”.

Igor can leave behind temporary files (the "T" part) for procedure files (.ipf) if something goes wrong.

Those files shouldn't be checked into a repository.

Files listed in .gitignore aren't added to a repository.

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
.gitignore clarification
Jim Prouty wrote:
btremolet wrote:
gitignore clarification please: I would like to start using Git to track development of my Igor code so these settings seem helpful; however, I do not understand what is specified here in the .gitignore file. I cannot find any info about file extensions containing “ipfT”.

Igor can leave behind temporary files (the "T" part) for procedure files (.ipf) if something goes wrong.
Those files shouldn't be checked into a repository.

Files listed in .gitignore aren't added to a repository.

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.

Thanks for the clarification, Jim




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