Quick graph transfer between experiment sessions

This is a complete and more robust rewrite of the Transfer Graphs project by user wings (see https://www.wavemetrics.com/project/TransferGrpahs ), which does not seem to get updated anymore. The idea is to "save" the top graph and recreate it in another Igor session with just two quick menu calls. The source experiment must have been saved in its current state for this to work. Note that something similar could also be achieved by saving a graph copy and merging the graph experiment file into another session.
Other notes and caveats:
- Details are saved inside the clipboard. Any previous clipboard information is lost.
- The source experiment gets 'modified' by the creation of a temporary wave (W_WaveList). Don't be surprised when Igor asks you to save the experiment even though you only have copied a graph.
- A lot of code is spent on catching errors from loading the data. This could get much shorter when / if LoadData supports the /Z flag.
Menu "Windows" "Save Top Graph",/Q, SaveTopGraph() "Load Saved Graph",/Q, LoadSavedGraph() End Function SaveTopGraph() String expName = IgorInfo(12) if (!strlen(expName)) Abort "You need to save the experiment before using this functionality." endif PathInfo home String saveRec = "TransferGraph@"+S_Path+expName+"@"+WinName(0,1)+"@" GetWindow kwTopWin, wavelist Variable i Wave/T wList=W_WaveList for (i=0; i<DimSize(wList,0); i++) saveRec += wList[i][1]+";" endfor saveRec += "@"+ReplaceString("root:",WinRecreation("",0),":") PutScrapText saveRec KillWaves wList return 0 End Function LoadSavedGraph() String loadRec = GetScrapText() if (CmpStr(StringFromList(0,loadRec,"@"),"TransferGraph")) Abort "You need to first save a graph." endif String filePath = StringFromList(1,loadRec,"@") String grName = StringFromList(2,loadRec,"@") String wList = StringFromList(3,loadRec,"@") String grRec = StringFromList(4,loadRec,"@") DFREF saveDFR = GetDataFolderDFR() SetDataFolder root: NewDataFolder/O/S $grName DFREF base = root:$grName Variable i, j for (i=0; i<ItemsInList(wList); i++) String curr = ReplaceString("'",StringFromList(i,wList),"") String path = ParseFilePath(1, curr, ":", 1, 0) if (strlen(path)) for (j = 0; j < ItemsInList(path,":"); j++) NewDataFolder/O/S $StringFromList(j,path,":") endfor endif DebuggerOptions Variable DebugOn = V_debugOnError, err = 0 DebuggerOptions debugOnError=0 try LoadData/Q/O/S=path/J=ParseFilePath(0, curr, ":", 1, 0)+";" filePath; AbortOnRTE catch err = GetRTError(1) Print "Could not load the data for the graph. Maybe the source experiment was not saved in its current state. Error: " + GetErrMessage(err, 3) endtry DebuggerOptions debugOnError=DebugOn if (err) SetDataFolder saveDFR return -1 endif SetDataFolder base endfor for (i=2; i<ItemsInList(grRec,"\r")-1; i++) String cmd = StringFromList(i,grRec,"\r") if(StringMatch(cmd,"*String*")) continue endif if(StringMatch(cmd,"*SetDataFolder fldrSav*")) SetDataFolder base continue endif Execute cmd endfor SetDataFolder saveDFR return 0 End



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Great. I have forgotten the password and for some other reason, I could not log in forums until now. That is why no update since then...
Thanks for your effort!
August 24, 2021 at 08:39 pm - Permalink
Hi wings, welcome back! Feel free to update your project with above code if you like. I found that some things do not yet work as expected. For example, it is currently problematic to load graphs with the same name from different experiments or there are problems if the file has not been saved after changes have been made. Both problems can be easily fixed with some effort, but so far it worked 'good enough' for me.
August 26, 2021 at 06:25 am - Permalink