Load a Folder into Listbox

Hello All,

I've made a code where when I make my listbox, I need to individually add the names of my waves to put it into the listWave. But, I want to be able to use a folder, and have Igor know to use the waves within that folder as my listWave. Here's what I have now:

newpanel /W=(280,56,580,532) as "Wave Panel" //panel dimensions and name
    listBox lb1, pos={34,13}, size={188,118}, mode=4
        make /T /N=0 textwave={"_a","_b","_c","_d"}
        make /N=(numpnts(textwave)) checkwave=32
    listbox lb1, listWave=textwave, selWave=checkwave

With the "_a" through "_d" the names of my data waves that I manually put in, instead of having Igor pull the waves from the data browser.

What I would like to have is for Igor take the names of my data waves, recognize those names, and put them within the text wave.

I tried doing this:

newpanel /W=(280,56,580,532) as "Wave Panel" //panel dimensions and name
    listBox lb1, pos={34,13}, size={188,118}, mode=4
        make /T /N=0 textwave=wavelist("_*",";","")
        make /N=(numpnts(textwave)) checkwave=32
    listbox lb1, listWave=textwave, selWave=checkwave

thinking that the wavelist would recognize any way that starts like that and input it into my textwave in individual rows. Instead, I find that it leaves the textwave blank.


Does anyone have any suggestions for this? Thanks!

take a look at

displayHelpTopic "ListToTextWave"

to turn a wavelist into a free text wave, then duplicate to create your listwave.

In the code above you create a text wave with zero rows.

textwave=wavelist("_*",";","") puts the output of wavelist into every point of textwave, as would happen with textwave="any;string;you;like".