About scatter plot


Can anyone tell me how to make a scatter plot with different color/symbol/mark in the same group/column?

I had known how to make a scatter plot with mean and error in the same column, as shown in ''present working image''.

But, I need to present different colors/marks within the same groups . as the pictures indicated : ''wanted image''.

Can anyone help me out? I appreciate a lot.

present working image.png wanted image 2.png wanted image 1.gif
Create and use a color wave as described in this help topic:

DisplayHelpTopic "Setting Trace Properties from an Auxiliary (Z) Wave"

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
For a small number of points, an easy way to do this is to right-click the point and choose Customize at Point.
hrodstein wrote:
For a small number of points, an easy way to do this is to right-click the point and choose Customize at Point.

Thanks for replying. I tried ''right-click'' and customized the color/mark. It changed whole points in a same column.
I want to display the different color/mark in the two/ three groups of data points within the same column.

Thank you.
JimProuty wrote:
Create and use a color wave as described in this help topic:

DisplayHelpTopic "Setting Trace Properties from an Auxiliary (Z) Wave"

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetricsthi, Inc.

To Jim:
Thank you very much. I think this is the information which I need.

But it seems a bit difficult for to encoding the Z wave for mark/color for me, because I am not familiar with the coding. I will try to figure out.

Thanks again. This is useful.