Catching right-clicks on a button control


I would like to catch right-clicks on a Button control. For this I check the button's ba.eventMod for a right click. It seems that the Button control does not see the right-click, because I always get ba.eventMod = 0 if I right-click on a button control instead of ba.eventMod = 16. However, it sees for example the Ctrl-click (ba.eventMod = 1+8).

I did not find anywhere stated that the Button control does not catch right-clicks, so is this a feature or a bug?

I am using IGOR Pro 6.34 on WindowsXP.


This must be a bug of some sort. I get 16 just fine on windows 7 (64bit) with the same Igor version. I also can do an ctrl-right-click (yields 24).
OK, thanks. In fact I am running WindowsXP inside VirtualBox, maybe this is the problem.

Gregor Kladnik
ALOISA beamline @ Elettra synchrotron