Combining GetRTError(1) and AbortOnRTE

Hi igoristas,
I have some code which tries to talk to hardware
debugOnError = DisableDebugOnError() try MCC_SelectMultiClamp700B(mccSerial, channel); AbortOnRTE catch errorCode = GetRTError(1) ResetDebugOnError(debugOnError) return AMPLIFIER_CONNECTION_MCC_FAILED endtry
and as that might not always work I'm handling the error case myself.
Now I would like to get rid of the necessary debugOnError disabling/resetting. According to documentation I can use getRTError(1) on the same line as the command to get rid of the debugger fiddling logic (IP7 and above).
I've tried with this example
Function IAbort() Make/FREE/N=0 data data[0] = NaN End Function Dostuff() variable errorCode try IAbort(); errorCode = GetRTError(1); AbortOnRTE catch print "error" endtry End
but could not get it working as the debugger either still opens or I'm not landing in the catch block.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Since the error is in IAbort(), not DoStuff(), DebugOnError is opening the debugger at the data[0]=NaN line.
If you'd had
then the debugger would not open. But the try/catch in DoStuff() would be pointless since the called routine cleared the error.
I think you're stuck disabling DebugOnError (which was designed to be used only in a development environment) if you are deploying this code to a production environment with DebugOnError turned on.
August 1, 2018 at 01:39 pm - Permalink
Thanks for the explanation Jim.
August 2, 2018 at 06:35 am - Permalink
I'm coming back to this issue as I have more and more code which uses try/catch and AbortOnRTE.
For example one of the functions fetches the latest value from a thread queue
And now if I have to debug a problem in the application in unrelated code using DebugOnError, the debugger pops occasionally up on the AbortOnRTE line. This is never a problem as I anticipated that already in this piece of code.
So this makes using DebugOnError a bit annoying.
From my limited Igor Pro understanding I would say that a line with trailing AbortOnRTE should have DebugOnError implicitly disabled for this line only. The whole point of AbortONRTE is that a RTE is expected and the code is designed to handle that.
Thanks for considering,
March 1, 2019 at 05:28 am - Permalink